ღWhy Am I Even Doing This?ღ

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Yes, why am I even doing this? Why would I even dare do something like this, something that has no true meaning at all?


That's why.

No wait...it's probably because I feel like I need to become more social.

Hold up! Let me rephrase that.

I know I NEED to become MORE social.

That's better.

It's true though. I have a serious problem with being social. Now I know it's true that I have Wattpad, where I have met the most amazing people, and have been able to write how I want to, and have become a more social person-

(≖_≖ ) Why the hell am I even writing this if I HAVE become a more social person?

Oh wait that's right!






I don't care how many people I talk to on here, or any where else.







Enough said.

No matter how hard I try, I still have problems with talking with people face to face.

Take this as an example:

**At Counter At Movie Theater**

Lady: What can I get you?


In My Head: Oh Primus what the hell do I say? What if I say something wrong?

Lady: Ma'am?


In My Head: Calm down Hannah...just talk.

Me: (literally whispers) One large popcorn and soda.

Lady: What was that?

In My Head: Great I have to repeat it!

Like seriously, this happens all of the time. I get so scared of talking to people in person, and when I actually DO talk to them I get all quiet like a damn mouse. I swear I'm a chicken. And it only gets worse ⊙_⊙

**Gets Called To Read By Teacher In Class**

Teacher: Hannah read from [random paragraph] to [another random paragraph].

Me: *nods*

In My Head: Damn it...not again.

Me: *reads but has a stuffy nose*

In My Head: (while reading) Primus I probably sound like a freaking walrus or something.

And that my readers, is where part of my fear comes from. I fear that one day while I'm talking to someone I'll embarrass myself horribly...like this:

**Talking To Fellow Student**

Le Student: Hey Hannah, what's the homework for tonight?

Me: It's- *suddenly farts loudly*

Le Student: O.o

In My Head: '/\' Damn it!

Now that may seem a bit...over board. But this is serious! I totally think that something like that will happen, and I'll never be able to show my face in public ever again.

Yeah..that's a wee overboard. I just tend to think of the worst possible situations ever, and think that's what's going to happen.

Which is what I want to change. I don't want to be afraid of talking to people in public. I want to be able to walk up to a person and say:

"Hello good man! You look rather handsome today." Or some other random sentence. It's about time I stop being a chicken, and start letting the true me show.

The one who doesn't allow anyone to push her around.

The one who can talk to people without screwing up big time.

The one...


So, I guess that's the real reason for this book.

To show whoever reads this who I really am, and seeing how people react to who I really am. So that I can finally...


Because honestly...

IT SUCKS! (≖᷆︵︣≖)


This isn't just for me to write, and for you to read. This is for all of us. Because when you interact with me, it helps me be more social. So here's what you can do to take part in this adventure of mine:

~Send me topics to rage about

~Send me topics to rant about

~Send me ideas you want to see me fangirl over

~Send me suggestions for books, or ask me to do a book review on YOUR book or someone else's

~Send me ideas for One-shots over any character(s)

Some Small Rules:

-Please make sure you let me know if you want me to rant or rage over something. I'd rather not get the two mixed up.

-Please check with me to make sure I'm up to date with the topic you want me to fangirl over. Although I am glad to fangirl, I can only fangirl over something I'm familiar with.

-If you want me to read your book or someone else's then go ahead and suggest one, I'll surely read it. And if you want me to do a book review over your book or someone else's then sure, I'll do it. Just for the love of Primus, ask politely.

-One-shots are pretty easy, and I love writing them. Just please check with me to see if I know the character(s) that you want me to write the one-shot for. And please, no lemons. If you REALLY want one, then...I MIGHT write one. But for the most part, keep the lemons to your self.

That's all for now!

┻━┻ ︵ヽ('▭')ノ︵ ┻━┻ Flipping tables all day and all night!


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