Where Has Logic Gone?

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I'm about to express my opinion. Don't like? Go be butt hurt somewhere else.

Okay? Good -,-


In my American History class we learned about the second half of World War II, which is when the U.S. finally entered the war..even though we never planned to.

Do you see where I'm getting at?

Pearl Harbor.

We also learned about how the U.S. fought back...

By using the things known as: Atomic bombs.

Two to be exact.

My teacher, who somehow has a video for practically EVERY THING we learn about, showed us a video he found about the first bomb that we dropped, which was dropped over Hiroshima, Japan in hopes of destroying the bridge that was located there.

Okay...now onto my main point.

At one point, this lady who had survived the bomb was talking about her experience..and..oi ._. At one point she was like "Why? Why would someone do this to us?"



Did you really just ask that?

Ma'am...do you not know what your government has done? What they have started?

I mean...your entire damn country worshiped the Japanese Empire..and would literally cut their stomachs open if they failed..

And yes! They actually did that! ._. If anyone that was apart of the Japanese Army failed at any time they would go home, sit in front of a statue...and cut open their stomachs..like...damn .-.

That's how much they worshiped their government. Although...the government did say they would never surrender..which is where all these thoughts probably came from...


Seriously though...why do you think someone would do this?

Your country, your military, attacked our Naval Base...only because you thought we were a "threat". During this entire damn war we stayed out of it, even though we did help Britain and France when needed.

But other than that we remained neutral!

Well...at least we know what happens when people are hungry for power...

I just..there's no logic behind her question really.

I mean sure..maybe dropping two atomic bombs was a wee bit much...but Japan did attack us even though we didn't attack them....so...yeah.

I laughed a bit at that..seriously though.

And then it got me thinking...

What are other countries' history lessons like?

Take Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Great Britain...

Makes ya wonder what they learn about..

Like "Yeah..we were in this war...but we lost..oh..and we lost this one too."

And then you have students in the United States that learn "Oh yeah we were apart of that war..but we won..oh and we won that one too..but we didn't want to be apart of it..but we still won..."

I don't know..it just makes me wonder *Shrugs*


Here's a tip:

Never, ever, EVER drink warm diet 7Up...like no..just don't...it takes like shit ._. Not to mention it will explode if you shake it....Damn you Joey -.-

~Le Hannah Who Has Had Enough History For One Day~

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