It's V.I.L Not V.I.P

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V.I.P- Very important person

V.I.L- Very important Llama.

There's a difference people.

V.I.P is for normal important people.

V.I.L is for llamas like me :3

....I'm probably making no sense right now am I?


Anyway, there's a reason I wanted to get that point across.

My mom keeps saying our tickets are 'VIP' tickets, but I keep telling her MY ticket is a 'VIL' ticket.

But noooooooo~ 

She says it's 'VIP'...because I ain't a llama.

Well mum.

I can be whatever I wanna be.

And I wanna be a llama OwO


...I should probably explain the tickets shouldn't I...heh :P

Well the city we used to live in, and the one my dad works for, holds a fair every August.

And they always have these famous, but not so famous, bands put on a concert.

My dad's friend that he works with, was able to get two tickets from his dad for one concert. (who..if I remember correctly, has a huge role in the city's government or whatever..I don't remember exactly.)

And they just so happen to be V.I.P (*cough* V.I.L. *cough*) tickets 030

Hell yeah!

Maybe my summer won't end that badly after all -3-

So in two weeks I get to see Bret Michaels preform -3-

With V.I.P tickets.

So..maybe my dad working at a recycling center isn't so bad after all XP

And to first ever concert tickets are V.I.P.

Okay...enough of that slag, I got other shit to ramble on about :3

Such as: completely forgot about what you were going to ramble on about.

Well...damn ~-~

I completely forgot what I was going to ramble on about...

Bummer ;^;

Oh well...I'm sure I'll think about it sooner or later.


Primus...I'm having such a hard time writing it!

But...I think I know what mah problem is!

I'm starting off with Tanya's POV at the beginning of the chapter.

And how do I solve this problem?

*Pets Drama Llama*

I bring in MR.UNKNOWN POV! -3-

Though...I'm sure you already know who he is XD

Perhaps drama is what I need to start it off :P


For Those Reading This That Read THOF:

Enjoy the happiness while it lasts. We all know sooner or later shit hits the fan. 

And I plan on crushing your feelings.


By slowly, and painfully, ripping your hearts out OwO

Muahahaha...soon my readers.

Very soon OwO

~Le Llama Who Is Going To Attempt To Write Chapter 3 But Will Most Likely Fail As She Always Does ;^;~

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