Merry Christmas~! (And Other Important Crap)

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Hello~! Guess who barely managed to survive her finals?

This llama ;3

Guess who's been relaxing for the past week and ignoring all responsibilities?

This llama c:

Guess who's not gonna be lazy anymore?

This llama! cx

Yes, I took a week off. I needed to..especially after finals.

But! I ACED all of my finals (got a 100% on 3/5 of them x3), and I'm ready to get back to business!

Which means~!

An update for THOF will be out later today! :3

BUT! That's not all!

In celebration of Christmas (and in celebration of my long needed update cx), I've decided to do either a 1 Part or 2 Part Christmas Special!

A Sparky&I Christmas Special to be exact :3

But I have yet to decide whether or not I want to post it here or on Sparky&I:THOF

Which would you guys prefer? 

Here or there?

I'll let you guys decide since I won't be posting it until later on today along with the long awaited chapter of THOF x3

So..yeh, that's all for now really.


Merry Christmas everybody!

Or Happy/Merry *Insert what you celebrate here*!

Hope you all have a good day and I hope to see you the next time I post :3

~Ze Majestic Llama That Hopes Everyone Has A Wonderful Day~

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