ღI Am So Lazy .-. (Book Review)ღ

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*Waves awkwardly* Hai ._.

Sooooooooo....this Book Review is waaayyyyy over due....I know. You've been waiting over a month for this...AND I SORRY ;-;

I literally have NO time to do anything these days so I can't do slag.

*Gives requester Optimus plushy* I sorry ;-;

And I REALLY wanted to do this book review because I L O V E the book!

Now lets get started shall we? Yus ._. We shall!


*Shines light on le requester*


First off, let me just say: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS BOOK! ^~^

Now, this is a SPECIAL Book Review? Why you ask?

Because she requested I do a book review on *insert drum roll noises*

@lookingforautobots_'s book The Last Of Us

(And if you're reading this Alice, I LOVE your book ^~^)

Now...here we go!

Le Book: The Last Of Us

And because the summary is so AMAZING:

[Placed in Transformers: Age of Extinction]

Cade Yeager didn't have one child.

He had two.

Or did he?

Meet Kyrie Yeager, younger sister of Tessa. The one who knew about Autobots and Decepticons. Who knew good from the bad. She knew they were broke because of Cade's love for inventing. For making things that were just ahead of their time, not really ready to come into the world yet. But she didn't mind. She was on his side. When Cade brought home that truck, Kyrie was happy and excited. When she learned the truck was a Transformer, she was even more happy - and terrified. For what would happen, and what will happen.

When Optimus finally woke up from stasis, he was surprised to find himself in a building, and not where he hid a few hours ago. And when he sees a human femme come in, his first thought was to transform and kill her. But when he took a good look at her, she looked beautiful. Whatever she did was graceful, even sitting down on that stool. And when she started speaking, opening up. . . Soon, he found himself falling for the human femme.

*Screeching fangirl noises*

So let me first start off by telling you how I found your book.

I was bored, and was looking for GOOD Transformers AOE fanfictions to read, and I found this one.

And I'm soo happy I did.

Now on to the character....


I have yet to see a name like this in ANY fanfiction that I've read. It's unique, and isn't used frequently.

You introduced us, the reader, by having her talk about herself. And you didn't use a character bio *Anime sweat drop* Thank Primus.

When I found out she had colored hair, I instantly fell in love with her. I don't know why, but I looooove characters with colored hair..strange..I know.

I was also over joyed when you added in the part about "Calm Before The Storm". I don't know why, but most authors ALWAYS forget that part ;-; And it's seriously important. So thank you!

I also noticed, as I continue to read your story, you always add a quote from the movie at the beginning of each chapter. I see very little authors do that, and I enjoy it when they do. It adds on a certain feel to it..dunno how to explain it..it just..does.

Your writing style, oh my Primus don't even get me started on your writing style.


The way your write- having Kyrie talk to herself- is just simply amazing. At parts it's hilarious, and at others it's serious, making me want to fall out of my chair..in a good way :P

Now...on to my favorite part....

Optimus x Kyrie

*Clears throat* I SHIP THEM SO DAMN HARD!

I swear...I will literally build a boat for them and name it the....idek..BUT I'LL NAME IT SOMETHING!

They are soooooooooooo cute together..I just can't!


Seriously though...you can't..it's gonna happen Cade...it willlll -_-

And then that huge plot twist that I WILL NOT TALK ABOUT FOR SPOILER REASONS. I was literally stuck staring at a wall for a few minutes because I was just soo freaking amazed/surprised.

The way it's incorporated into the story is just plain amazing, and I'm loving her character even more with each little plot bunny that gets revealed.

*Fangirl screeches again*

And when she finally admitted to herself that she loved Optimus...I literally died in happiness....and fangirl feels.

There are hardly any GOOD AOE fanfics out there, and I am so happy I found this one! It is my all time favorite of them all, I swear.

And I know you're wanting advice on how to make it better, but girl, and I'm being completely honest here, you don't need to change anything.

You have an amazing character.

An AMAZING plot.

Sure, there's a punctuation error here and there, BUT THAT'S IT!

It's seriously that GOOD.

And I'm being honest here, I DON'T know what to say besides: just keep doing what you're doing. ^~^

**End Of Ze Book Review**

*Sighs happily* I am so glad I could do that one!

**On A Different Note*


I know..I know. At least..3 more people are waiting for Book Reviews. I'm trying, I honestly am!

But I've been too busy to do anything..it's just...ugghhh .-.

I will probably post another Book Review on Friday, and then possibly another one on Saturday..if I'm not busy ;-;

*Gives waiting people Transformer plushy of any kind*


~Till all are one:

*Currently eating Pasta Chips*

These are strangely good.... .3.

~Le Busy As Frag Hannah~

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