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Be prepared for some more ramble...ness.

'N shit.

Cuz why the fan not? .3.


Had an assembly today at school.

Talked about drugs, sex, alcohol...'n shit like that and why it's bad...and what can happen.

I had previously thought the assembly was going to be some boring ass people standing and talking the entire time.

I was SO damn wrong.

The assembly itself started off with this dance thing...and flashing lights.

There was a lot of flashing lights during the entire thing...

Pretty lights .3.

Though I was up on the 2nd level of the gym...so I had to look through the railing in front of me..*Shrugs*

Anyway~ The assembly, which again was pretty awesome, had all kinds of skits that went along with it.


During this one skit, the girl, was getting pissed because her 'boyfriend' was demanding they have the smexies, but she wanted to wait until she was married.

This dude comes up to her...and well..

Dude: What are you so upset about? *Places hand on girl's shoulder*

Girl: *Spins around and shoves the dude away* Leave me alone.

Boy: Did I do something wrong? Why do you hate me?


*Snort* The girl literally screamed she hated him because he had a penis...even though he had done nothing wrong.

Though I SOMEWHAT wish they hadn't...

Me: *Is calmly walking to Physical Science after assembly*

Friend: *Walks by* I hate you because you have a vagina. *Walks on*

Aren't the people I hang with wonderful? X3

Oh! And the did this one scene...

Julie: *Is holding paper and crying*

Matt: Babe what's wrong? *Looks at paper* And what's this?

Julie: *Flinches away* It's nothing...

Matt: *Rips paper out of her hands* *Reads paper* ....Are you kidding me?

Julie: Matt...If I have it...then you have it too.

*The two argue back and forth about how the other person is a cheating bastard and gave the other the sexual disease*

Julie: *Finally has had enough and BITCH slaps Matt in the face* THIS IS YOUR FAULT!

*Matt screams at her telling her she's a whore and gave him the disease and storms off*

*Julie quickly follows after screaming for him to wait*

*Matt turns around and SHOVES her to the ground*

*The two argue more, Julie crying the entire time*

*Matt starts to leave*

Julie: I thought you loved me!

*Matt stops and slowly walks over to Julie, bending down on front of her*

*He slowly lifts her chin up*

Matt: Julie....I never loved you.

Lolz...everyone, including myself, on the upper level either 'Ohhh'ed or said 'Damn...'

That plot twist though .3.

But yeh...that's basically how it went.

It exceeded my expectations greatly.

And left me thinking...on some stuff.

*Pinches nose*

And before ya'll lose your shit, or start spamming with questions-

Nu, it ain't nothing bad.

Just...having some...relationship probs.

And am confoosed...

And probs won't be taken for much longer.

Yeh...so don't flip your shit.

Okey...I'm done with rambling...for now :3

~Ze Majestic Llama Who Can't Wait For Her Birthday c:~

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