*Rambling In Swedish*

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*Points at random person* Fan you.

*Points at another random person* Fan you.

*Points at the idiot who shoved me into the street today* Fan you and your family.

Fan: Fuck in Swedish

It's not F.A.N, as in the fan that blows air.

It's actually kinda hard to pronounce because it's a mix between FUN and FAWN ~.~

*Points at brother* Fan you tik.

Tik: Bitch in Swedish

This as well is kinda hard to get right, well...for those who don't know how to say it. It's a mix between TE and IK ~.~


Lol...you're all probably wondering what the hell's wrong with me xD

Welp..I'm tired which means I'm cranky, and I'm pissed.

Cranky+Pissed=Not A Good Combination

I'm tired because I went to bed late Friday night and got up at 6 in the morning yesterday. By the time I got back from my grandparents AND the fireworks it was like....11 at night. I hand't updated yet so I decided to update before I went to bed..but then I wanted to talk to people so I didn't go to bed until 1:30 or something.

AND THEN this morning I had to get up at 8 in the damn morning because it was my Aunt's birthday today and we had to drive out too see her DX

And that, my friends, sums up why I'm like a zombie right now..lmao..I can't even form complete sentences out loud xD

And why I am pissed?

Well at my Aunt's birthday my cousin as there, so we of course went on a walk..since that's our thing. 

While we were taking a walk this god damn asshole shoves us out of his way...which caused me to fall into the road..

Yeah...I almost got ran over today o.o

I don't even know why the dude shoved us! There was like...5 feet of sidewalk left (The sidewalk was about 7 feet wide..yeah..it was a pretty big one.)

But nope...just had to shove me into the road.

That dude should be happy my Uncle or Dad wasn't out...they would have jumped his ass xD


And then tomorrow I'm going in to get my eyes checked...WHICH I AM VERY HAPPY ABOUT!

My glasses-lol I don't think anyone knew I wear glasses xD-were broken about....a year ago? I don't remember.

And we haven't been able to get me a new pair...until now ;-;

But that all ends tomorrow...maybe.

I might have to wait a month or so until we order them :/


Ima probably take a nap for like...5 hours...

Which means I probably won't go to bed until 3 in the morning again xD 

Idek anymore...

I need chocolate...and a nap.

But mainly chocolate OwO

~Le Hannah Who Is Going To Be Offline Until Tonight Because She's Tired As Frag~

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