I Smell Stupid People t(=_=t)

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There's a smell in the air...

A smell that surrounds Wattpad...

It's a suffocating smell...

One that cannot be rid of easily...

A smell of

Stupid people.


Stupid people.

So I get on Wattpad after basically being lazy all day-because why the fuck not-and start going through any shit I've missed today.

And what do I find?

Idiots making idiotic comments.

...And I also find out I need to start watching the news more.

I suppose I should've expected something like this to happen, whenever something big happens in the world there's always idiots lurking in the comments.


And of course, like everywhere else, there's idiots lurking in the comments on Wattpad.

What a surprise *Cue eye roll*

And what are they making stupid, rude, absurd comments over?

What happened in Paris.

And...yeh..I will confess I had no idea what happened happened...

Not until now at least....How?

.....I dunno...

But yeh...I just found out that the whole Paris thing happened.

.....I need to watch the news more c:

*Pinches nose*

I can't believe what people are saying...honestly I can't.

So I look through the comments on this one book that posted something about it, and don't find anything that bad...really.

But I continue to look through others....

And I see people calling people: heartless, disgusting, the worst of humanity, and stupid.


Are...are you fucking kidding me?

Just because someone isn't right out BALLING THEIR EYES OUT because of something that happened...

Does NOT give you the right to call them heartless or disgusting.

Hell, look at me. I just found out about this whole thing and am I crying my eyes out?

..No..No I'm not.

But that doesn't mean I'm a cold heartless bitch~!

....Even though I can be c:

It just means I'm not THAT affected by it...

And because death of people doesn't bother me as much as it should...

It happens when over 7 people in your family die within a 1 year time span c:

And then you have people asking why it's such a big deal because people are dying DAILY in the Middle East and yet no one seems to give a shit.

And ya know what?

I agree.


*Snort* I can hear people screaming at me now XP

*Sprays face with squirt bottle* Shhh~ Be a good whiner and go sit in the corner~

It's my own thought and opinion so stuff it.

But seriously, people are dying DAILY in the Middle East yet no one's making such a big deal out of it.

I mean yeah, the military is trying to stop it...But others?

Nah...they don't give a shit really.

So before you go and comment saying someone's disgusting and heartless....

Actually just don't comment at all.

Keep your bullshit to yourself.

We have enough bullshit in the world to deal with, we don't need your crap either.

*Cough* Donald Trump and his stupid ass *Cough*


But I do pray for those who have lost people close in said Terrorist attack. No one should have to suffer losing someone close so fast and without warning.








...I also pray for those who like Donald Trump....

Seriously though...


~Ze Majestic Llama Who Is Going To Spray Her Computer To Rid It Of The Smell Of Stupid~

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