It's Not Screaming Mum, It's Fangirling

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I guess you can all already guess what this is going to be about just from the title itself xD

Long story short I've been watching Transformers: Rescue Bots since the moment I woke up this morning...


And we all know Netflix is #1 bae ;P

So yes...I'm watching a certain episode and let's just say this episode caused what we all know as a fangirl moment.

We've all had them at one point so don't even try to deny it.

And well..she calls me..and this is how our conversation goes- mind you I'm in my room so she can hear me screaming through the walls cx

Mum: Why are you screaming? I can hear you screaming from my room?

Me: ...I'm not screaming.

Mum: Yes you are, I can HEAR  you screaming...Thunder didn't poop on you yet did he?

(My cat had eaten a string with a small bell attached to it earlier today...she's making bets with my family members on when he'll shit it out.)

Me: No he didn't.

Mom: That's'd come running out of your room if he did. *Laughs*

Me: -_- Mhmm..

Mum: Seriously though, why were you screaming?

Me: ...IT'S HOW I EXPRESS MY EMOTIONS MUM *Hangs up and looks at String-Eating-Moron-Of-A-Cat* You're the only that understands me, Chubbers.

Moron-Of-A-Cat: Meow

Me: Mhmm, that's right.

It was strange...usually when I'm screaming/crying/flipping out they all act normal..cuz..ya know..fangirling is a normal occurrence in my every day life c:

But whatever, at least somewhat concerned cx


I've been meaning to ask:

How are you all doing?

I know for most of us we have finals coming up-

*Insert a laughing Satan*

And we all know how TERRIBLE finals are..well..somewhat terrible anyway. I know for a fact I'm not stressing out about them...

I'm stressing out about the work I have to do.

So much preparing for finals next's slowly killing me ,_,


After finals comes my nearly 3 WEEK WINTER BREAK.

Can I get a hell yeah? X3

And during this long break I plan on updating THOF a lot.

And I mean-


About 3-4 updates a week ;3

Because...December 26th marks the day I posted the first chapter to Sparky and I: It All Begins.

And that's a big landmark/moment in my life because without that..

I wouldn't be doing what I love for people who love what I do ^-^

Speaking of which!

The next chapter of THOF will be out once I'm done with finals.

I wanted to get it up earlier but ah...yeah...I've gotten a lot more work in school than I thought possible c:

Plus..THOF takes a lot of time and dedication to write and I don't want to half-ass it.

It deserves the best as do all of you :3

But yeah, that's in the works and will be out soon ^-^

I..think that's all I have to say-


For those of you going through finals and the struggle included with finals-

Don't let the stress of school or finals bring you down.

I'm not gonna lie, it's stressful or is going to be a stressful, but that doesn't mean you have to let it bring you down. 

Keep a positive attitude, and keep thinking positive.

And furthermore-

Don't let school win.

MAKE SCHOOL YOUR BITCH..or you your best c:

When you do that finals will be over before you know it, and then you're free for a while!

Not to mention Christmas or what Holiday you celebrate at this time of year ^3^

So don't quit.

Quitting is the worst thing you could do right now.




~Ze Majestic Llama Who Is Literally Screaming At Her Computer Cuz Feels~

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