The Perks Of Being A Majestic AF Llama

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Had an interesting morning today.

Well..besides that today was Pajama Day and I actually, for the FIRST. TIME. EVER. wore pajamas to school-

Lolz...I violated my own dress code.

Cuz I just didn't give a frag this morning -3-

But that's not what's interesting.

It's what happened on the bus this morning...which almost led me to slapping this little ass bitch across the face which would've got me kicked off the bus for who knows how long XP

But it would've been worth it.

Now...Allow me to explain something real quick.

Which would be the perks of being a majestic af llama Ò3Ò

You see, my face...has this certain look to it most of the time.

Usually I'm frowning 24/7 unless I'm really happy or laughing my ass off.

I just face is stuck in a permanent frown *Shrugs*

And because of this...whenever I just...act eyebrows are always furrowed and I have this weird ass crease that forms that looks like an ass crack.

And I suppose you can guess what that leads to.

"Ass crack face." *Snort*

But I'm actually not that bothered by it.


Cuz I love scaring the shit out of little kids.

That's why OuO

I can't even begin to count how many times I've scared a little kid just by looking at them with my normal frowny face.

It's quite fun actually.

It's like "Yeah glitch, fear me."

Plus most people fuck off when they see my expression x3

Plus I'm known around school for not giving a fuck about most shit people have to say.

Someone says somthin stupid to me?

I give 'em my look and walk off.

Problemo solved right there.

But back to my point.

I was able to put my scary face to work this morning OuO

So...I'm sitting on the bus listening to Transformers dubstep as I stare longingly out the window.

Cuz ya know...that's what I do XP

And Jordan, the bus driver's son comes to the back and gestures for me to take my headphones off.

At this point I'm thinking "What does he fucking want now?"

I do...and-

Him: Payton (his sister), is making fun of Robert.

Me: ...What did she say?

Him: She's calling him stupid and ugly.

I call my bro's name and ask for confirmation of this information.

And he says it all true.

I sit there for a moment...And become seriously fucking pissed off.

Who the fuck does that spoiled ass brat think she is?

My bro does NOTHING to her...he only sits there quietly and stares out the window...or talks to Jordan.

And she has the nerve to call him that shit?

Fucking spoiled ass bitch.

I then thank Jordan for the info, and he returns to his seat.

I take a moment to glare at the back of that little bitch's head, and then get up, while the bus is moving, and sit with my bro...who sat behind her.

At this point I have my scary face on, and am visibly pissed off.

I call that bitch's name and she turns to me and asks me what I want in her dumb ass snobbish voice.

I glare at her and basically, for the next...5 or so minutes-

Tell her to leave my brother alone. She had no right to talk to him like that when he did and said nothing to her. She was being a douche for no good reason, and needed to shut her mouth. AND! If she ever does something like that to ANY of my sibs again I will go to the office and make sure her mother couldn't save her from getting in trouble.

Once I was done talking she rolled her eyes and said "Whatever!" and went back to talking to her friends.

I almost slapped that glitch right there.

So, I turn to my bro and go-

"If she ever does it again I formally give you my permission to slap the stupid bitch across the face...I'll take the blame for it too."

I smiled and patted his head before returning to my seat.

Pretty sure some surrounding kids heard me...But I didn't give a fuck.

I wasn't about to stay calm and nice after what that bitch said.

You see, here's the thing.

Sure, it might seem like I hate my sibs' guts...

Half the time I do.

But then there's also the part of me that don't take anyone's shit when it comes to them.

I blame it on me being the oldest XP

You fuck with my sibs-

You upset my sibs-

You do ANYTHING to my sibs that does any harm or anything like that-

This mother fucking majestic llama will fuck your shit up.

I haven't gotten in trouble in school before- no write ups, no ISS/OSS, not even a single detention.

But if you fuck with my sibs this bitch will do anything to make your life a living hell, no matter the cost.


Then you have my scary af dad to worry about.

He'll fuck you up even more ^_^

But I get first dibs to fuck your shit up c:

You might think me to be a normal ugly/chubby girl who is always silent-

But bitch you haven't even seen half of what I can do.

You know the things called pressure points?

I was taught how to use those to my advantage.

I will knock your ass out and drown you in a river if you fuck with my fam.


I take the role as big sister highly if you haven't noticed c:

But that's how my morning went.

Wonderful eh?


~Zat Majestic AF Llama Yo~

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