Happy Thanksgiving My Friends~!

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Practically just repeating the title but meh...

Happy Thanksgiving mah friends! :3

I love this time of year.

I really do ^_^

....And yes...

It's because of the food :3

But not only that, I also love this time of year because it really makes you think about what you're thankful for.

And what you'd be doing in your life if certain people had never entered it.

You guys for example :3

I'm EXTREMELY thankful that I got the chance to meet all of you, even if it is through a screen.

Without Wattpad, or without you guys...I'd probably be the lonely little nerd I used to be. The one who hardly talked with anyone and who preferred to have her face in a book instead of hanging out with people.

Cheesy...I know.

But I truly mean it when I say you guys really changed my life for the better ^_^

Now if only I wasn't sick...

Then this day would be really awesome...

Lol yeh...I've been sick since Sunday...which is..*Counts with fingers* 5 days :>

I've been sick for 5 days...

Isn't life wonderful? :>

I was actually able to eat dinner-for once- today..which I'm happy about.

Didn't eat as much as I would have liked...But ah well.

Less fat I have to worry about xP

I also watched part of the football game too..Who was playing?

Anyone know?...Cuz I didn't pay attention.

I know Texas was playing...but..I forget the other team *Shrugs*

I also watched the halftime show...

And it was Luke Bryan...

Anyone notice how he stands with his legs spread apart...too far?

Or is it just me?

*Cough* Male Stripper *Cough*

Didn't really care for the halftime show really...Not a big fan of country music.

But hey, that's just me.

You might like country....but I prefer music that screams in your ear in a way you can barely understand what they're saying...

And Korean music...that shit is good -3-

Also had a very funny conversation with mah fam after dinner...which went a little bit like this:

Me: So...what's for dessert?

Dad: Cherry Pie.

(I don't really care for pie BTW.)

Me: Ah...We got any ice cream?

Mom: Sorry, only got pie this year.

Me: Damn it...*Sips soda* Well...Thanks for Dinner and Happy Thanksgiving. *Begins walking away* Ima just go be a Scrooge and hide in my room. See ya at Christmas.

Dad: See ya at Christmas.

Bro: ...Won't you be dead?

Me: *In very serious sick voice* I'm a llama. Llamas can survive in their rooms.

Sis: What about the bathroom?

Me: ...I'll shit out the window...Now leave me alone. *Goes to room*

Sis: But I sleep by the window...


That's been my Thanksgiving Dinner tale :3 Now I'm basically just gonna hide in my room for the rest of the night and pray this dumb ass sickness goes away xP

Anyone else got a fun Thanksgiving story to share? I'd love to hear it :3


Hannah's Daily Tip Of The Day: If your parents try to give you small shot of Whiskey when you're sick and say "It'll help clear your nose out"...DO NOT drink it. They lie....Whiskey doesn't do shit except burn your throat. Now you know~ xP

~Ze Majestic Llama Who Wishes You All A Happy Thanksgiving And Is Thankful For All Of The Friends She's Made This Past Year~

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