ღJudging Fangirls/Fanboys(...Another Rant)ღ

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*Spins around in spinning chair*

Okay lets cut the introduction crap, and get strait to the point.

Judging Fangirls/Fanboys

Why...*sighs* just why?

We're people.

We have feelings.

Don't be a dick man.

You know I planned on spending this Wednesday night watching Peter Pan related movies, because I'm bored af, but then someone commented something on my last rant that got the wheels in my head turning. Which is where this comes from.

People, every where, every day, are being judged because they're fangirls or fanboys.

Which seriously pisses me off, to be honest.

Just because we found something that we love gives you the right to be a dick?

No -.-

I don't think so.

Quit the "We're gay crap." Because we're not -.-

Haha, funny story for that one actually...

The other day I was reading this Optimus x Sam fanfiction-

Yes, you read that right.

I ship Optimus and Sam, get over it.

And someone came up behind me, very rude if I might add, and started reading what I was without me knowing. When I finished reading it they finally decided to speak their mind.

"Dude that is so gay!"

Well yeah..I know.

"And you're reading that?"

...I was just reading it wasn't I? o.O

"That makes you gay!"

Woah..woah...hold up a fucking minute there bro!

So yes, I ship Optimus and Sam. Which in turn, means it's a gay shipping.

Does that mean I'm automatically gay myself?


I will have you know I am straight.

So srsly...STFU!

Just because I ship-

~Ratchet x Optimus

~Megatron x Starscream

~Knockout x Breakdown

~Optimus x Sam

~William x Ironhide

~Prowl x Jazz

~Megatron x Soundwave

Does NOT make me gay.


For those who can accept me, even though I ship the above-

You are a wonderful person, and I love you.

Those who judge me because of it-

I hope Unicron rapes you...with a pickle.


*Sighs* Back to the point.

In my eyes there are three types of fangirls/fanboys-

Type #1:

The ones that like a certain fandom, but aren't necessarily addicted to said fandom.

Type #2:

The ones who are in LOVE, and are addicted to a fandom, and it's practically their life.

Type #3:

*Shivers* This is the worst ._.

The ones who literally shove their fandoms down other people's throat. Forcing them to love it, and hating on people who don't like it.

But of course you have people are between #1 and #2, but still.

The only real reason I'm ranting about this is because I'm R E A L L Y tired of people judging me and other people because of what we like.

Me: *Wear Transformers T-Shirt to school*

Random Bitch: *Points and laughs* Loser!

Well damn bitch...I know I'm fabulous, but that doesn't mean you have to get all jealous. :P

Me: *Reads Fanfiction*

Random Asshole: *Notices* That's stupid.

Wait..what? I'm sorry, I don't understand stupid.


Oh really? Well guess what? *Whispers* You swallow 030

Fangirl: *Wearing an awesome outfit to match fandom*

Another Random Asshole: *Shoves* You look gay.

Hey..yeah you...would you like to meet Mr.Righty? He REALLY wants to say hi to your face.

But srsly guys, cut this shit out.

We are fangirls/fanboys.



And most importantly!

I'm sure there are plenty of holes for you to live in. Why not spread your shit in one of them? ^~^

**On A Different Note*

Tommorrow we start the Math part of the M.A.P test, which means!~

*Throws confetti and starts dancing*


Take that old lady!

~Till all are one:

*Hands out confetti cannons*

It's time to celebrate!~

~Le Partying Hannah~

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