Wut? ಠ__ಠ

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*Le me searching through random ass fanfics to read because I'm bored at Walmart*

*Finds one* Ehh, why the frag not?

*Begins reading*

Not bad....

*Eye twitch because they use Said, Yell, Shout, and other words after every time someone says something* That's one of the things that aggravates me a bit when I read...but...alright.

*Remembers this is a TF fanfic* Ahh~ Must be using their holoforms! Dur! -3-

*Reads comments because why the frag not*

*Author says they are in fact NOT human* ..Well...okay then.

*Reads chapter 2*

*Slowly puts phone back in pocket*

Nope..I'm done...even though there was only 2 chapters :/

Now, let me begin my somewhat rant thing.

And before I start: I only do this because I find it something that TF fans should know by now..and well...you'll see why in a minute. And I would never do this to be a bitch, I ain't that type of person :3

Okay...So I was reading this story of what life for the Cons/Bots would be like if there was NO war, and both Orion and Megabitch (I'm still calling him that and you can't stop meh 030) got what they wanted...and what not.

The author, in reply to a comment, said that they were in fact NOT human.

Alright..then tell me this:

Why did they put on clothes?

Ehhh? Last time I check they don't wear clothes, unless in holoform.

Or if they're Crosshairs, and wear that fab-as-hell tailcoat..or whatever it is xD

And why, why in the name of Primus, did they get INTO vehicles?


Are you a transfan?

Like...I'm being serious. They're TRANSFORMERS, they don't need to get INTO cars if they're transformers...UNLESS they're in holoforms.

I understand if they're in holoforms...but you did say they weren't in human form..so...

Yeah...I don't know what to say besides fix that part...

And please, don't correct someone when your writing makes it look as though they are humans. It just ain't right.

(If any of you know which book I am speaking of please keep the author/book to yourself.)

Now...on a different note :P

Went to Walmart..to get my eyes checked.

Yup...apparently Clarkson, which is where we previously went to, doesn't cover the cost for our exams...

But Walmart does....#LogicBruh

Anyway, got meh eyes checked...AND THEY STILL STING!

Is it just me or does anyone else have a problem with having those stupid ass eye drops put in their eyes during an exam? Because they annoy the hell out of me ~.~

And like I knew I would, I NEED glasses.

And..apparently I have an astigmatism.

It ain't nothing bad, it just causes far away objects to look blurry...which makes sense.

I always wondered why the moon had a twin :D


I already have mah glasses picked out, and omgerddddd~

I don't know why, but PURPLE.... O,O

Purple is the color that suits me...IN EVERYTHING.

Shirts, shorts, shoes, socks, EVERYTHING.

Even my damn glasses.

I don't even like purple that much! ~.~

So of course, my glasses are purple/black, since the blues one didn't fucking suit me...says mah mom :/

But oohhh~ I love dem 030

Instead of them being the thin frame ones that I've always gotten, they're (for once) plastic and have the thickish frames.

But mah favorite part?

Is the little music note decoration on the side 030

Finally I have cool looking glasses, and not boring ass thin frame ones -3-

Now...I just gotta wait about 3 weeks ;_;


But oh well, at least I get mah glasses after forever :3



Woop woop -3-

Half done with Chapter 3...yeyyy~



Idek anymore XD

~Le Hannah Who Is Happy She Got Her Eyes Checked~

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