ღ Moment of Rage #1ღ

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  • Dedicated to My beloved FanFiction.net


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As you can tell from the picture, my school likes to ruin my life. I know you're probably thinking "It's just a website Hannah, nothing to rage about."

(・`ω'・) Let me tell you a story.

I go to a school where technology is in, and pencil and paper is out. (Which REALLY pisses me off.)


My school wasn't always like this. Before I entered the 7th grade we always did our work with pencil and paper, not computers. Sure we used the computers in our Computer Lab at times, but we didn't have one at our side every second of the day.

Personally I love writing with a pencil, or pen, on paper; it's just how I am. Everything was going fine for me as I went to school at my Junior High, I was being the normal person that writes ten pages for a history report, or something along the lines of that.

ಥ_ಥ But then the Chromebooks showed up.

Everything went to the pits.

Once I entered the 7th grade, we were given the chance to own (not literally) a Chromebook to be used for school. Not only that, but we could take them home with us.

But only if we payed a $20 fine at the beginning of each year.

ಠ_ಠ Like wtf?

We started using the Chromebooks slow at first, but then they started taking over. They started plaguing the minds of every student around me.

Book nerds who I had come to love, turned to playing on their Chromebooks.

People who would write large papers, like me, turned to writing one page reports on their damn Chromebook.

Then their was me.

The one who refused, no matter how many times someone tempted, to like the Chromebooks.

Yes I owned one, but that doesn't mean I had to like it. In fact, I HATED it. Hated it with a burning passion.

I thought there was no hope for me, that I would become like others around me-


A computer....fan.


Oh Primus, that was my worst fear back then. I feared that I would become like others around me, and actually like the Internet.

And I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

I hated technology and the internet back then.

But then...something showed me the light.

Something I thought would never happen.

A website, believe it or not, showed me the wonders of the internet. And that website is no other than:


*Cuddles said website* I wuv you (っ^▿^)

At that moment of time, I didn't know much about fanfiction. It's hard to believe that I was that lost.

I started off slow, slowly becoming more attached to the internet, and the wonders it brings. And soon enough...

I fell in love with it.

Huh, this sounds like a romantic comedy of some sorts...XD But anyway-

Whenever I got the chance I would go to FanFiction.net, and I would read Transformers fanfiction on there. I spent most nights staying up until 2 in the morning just reading fanfiction on there.

Those were best moments of my life.

No joke. I have a boring ass life, so reading fanfiction on there was the highlight of my life.

I was happy, and nothing could go wrong. During the summer all I did was read on FanFiction.net, and nothing else. No matter how sad it sounds, it's the truth. But it didn't matter to me because I was happy, and that's all I needed to know.

(╥﹏╥) But then I entered the 8th grade.

8th Grade-

A.K.A: The year where the school I grew up with...fucked up my life.

So apparently over the summer my school went into planning mode.

Their plans included putting up blocks for certain websites.

Well guess what?

One of those websites included-

*Whimpers sadly*



I was a freakin sore thumb up until I discovered FanFiction.net. But my school just decided to block, and when I asked why (because I was overly pissed at them) they couldn't give me any reason as why.





┻━┻ ︵ヽ('▭')ノ︵ ┻━┻

I was so overly pissed that they would do something like this. It hurt me deep, very deep. I entered a depressed fangirl stage-

No I was not officially depressed, I was just a depressed fangirl.

Can you understand that? Cuz I'm not explaining further.

I thought my life of reading fanfiction was over, but then a friend helped me.

They introduced me to:


I began a new life on this website; healing my invisible wounds. Soon enough I was practically back to normal, but I was still pretty pissed about not being able to read on FanFiction.net anymore.

So one day when I had too much time on my hands, I got on my phone. (I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Pretty good phone.) And I searched FanFiction.net on Google.

The moment I hit the enter button on my phone, my heart was repaired.

When I pushed the enter button, it brought me directly to the cite.


At that moment I started freaking out happily. I grabbed the closest thing and started dancing around the room with it.

Sorry Fluffy...I still wuv you though baby 030

(Fluffy is my cat you weirdos)

So now I use Wattpad to write and read, and my phone to read on my favorite cite. Don't take this as an insult, but Primus I LOVE FanFiction.net!


凸(¬‿¬)凸 I'm gonna kill some biches. (Not seriously, but you get my point.)

~Till all are one:

*Throws Optimus Prime plushy at readers*

I got nothing :3


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