*Flips Table Angrily* -_-

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Children who have bus drivers as parents.

^And ride your bus.

I HATE them.





Some are kind people, others....are little sons of bitches.


My bus driver has two kids who both ride the bus morning AND afternoon.

They're both YEARS younger than me...*Angry Hannah sounds* And yet they think they can do whatever the fuck they want!

News flash assholes -__-

Just because your mom is the fragging bus driver doesn't mean you have ANY right AT ALL to be assholes to the kids around you.

Some might bite back...and bitch slap you across the face..OMP if only someone did that...

Anyway...they were being mean to this one kid, calling him gay, stupid, ugly, and other horrible shit like that. The kid fights back by saying Jordan (The son) is stupid too. The daughter tells her mom, and the kid gets in trouble.

Excuse me!

But WTF!?

He was only defending himself!

I'm sorry that your son and daughter can defy the rules of the bus just because your their mom.


They can't eat or drink when they want. IT'S THE RULES! And yet when someone else does...they get written up. Baka -_-

If they insult other students, or harm them in ANY way, the should NOT just be grounded at home. They should be written up, and get in trouble by the SCHOOL NOT YOU! ...And yet this only happens with other students. Baka...Baka...so much fucking Baka.

They are your kids.

That I know.

But do they ride the bus, which is still school grounds?

Yes...a million times yes.

Until they get off the bus they are still at school...just away. They still have to abide by the rules, no matter if they're your kids or not.

I am getting sick and fucking tired of your fragging kids acting like they rule the fucking bus.

Everyday they insult someone, and they NEVER get in fucking trouble.

So today I finally snapped when he insulted me...like...really bad.

You guys know how I can speak Swedish?


Jordanien kan du bara hålla käften. Sluta vara en liten tik och gå knulla med någon annan för en gångs skull. Ingen jävla bryr sig om hur du är så jävla "häpnadsväckande". När verkligen, du är bara en dum och irriterande liten tik.

I'll let you guys translate that on your own........030

~Till all are one:

OMP I swear I'm reporting his stupid little ass.....*More angry Hannah sounds*


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