2k Special-Part 1

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I'm using my phone for this, because my sibs don't know how to share the damn computer ;-; So I'm praying this actually turns out decent enough....

So....I was out eating ice cream with mah friend the other day..and she suggested I do this...Damn you Abby...and damn you ice cream.... -_-

*SIGH* Apparently Abby thinks this is a good a idea...well...I don't .-----. But she payed me 10 bucks to do this...so..YOLO!

(Look at ze picture~)

1.) Where we you 3 hours ago?
School. I was at school...playing basketball.

....*facetables* .......I find Optimus Prime's (RID 2015/Prime) aft very smexy...*runs away to hide*

3.)Bad habits?
I have a habit of crossing my toes/fingers whenever I'm sitting still...It's kinda weird..bcuz..it just happens...Idek why .-.

4.)Favorite Color?
Blue. No doubt about it. Blue is my ALL TIME fav color ^3^

5.)What color is your toothbrush?
Random question..but okay. It's red and blue....and for obvious reasons 030

6.)Can you drive?
Does a lawn mower count? But no, I can't drive. But this year, in October, I'm getting my permit. So....ask me in 5 months :P

September 29 ^3^

It's obviously not drugs...unless cat nip from Canada counts XD But hmm....Fangirling. Yup...I'd definitely count that as an addiction.

9.)3 Pet Peeves
1- Clutter: It annoys the living frag out of me.
2- Advertisements on Milk Music: I want to listen to my songs...NOT YOUR FUCKING ADVERTISEMENTS EVERY 5 FUCKING MINUTES! -_-
3- Fluffy-Senpai when she won't notice me: ....I DEMAND YOU NOTICE ME WOMAN!

10.)Last person you hugged.
My wittle bro when he got off the bus this afternoon.

11.)Zodiac sign.
Libra...which *snorts* Doesn't make sense at ALL.

12.)Something you miss.
....Well...I miss my uncle who died...about 3 years ago. He used to call me Hannah Banana, even though it pissed me off. I always get pissed when someone calls me that now...but I suppose you can guess why.

13.)What song is stuck in your head at the moment?
Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard.

14.)Eye color.
Blue...a very dull blue. Unlike my little bro's, whose eyes are crystal blue....GIVE ME YOUR EYES BRO! X3

15.)What state or part of the world do you live in?
North America. And that's all I'm sayin...ya creepers ._.

16.)Favorite quote.
"Till all are one." or "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." All because it just goes to show how fragging wise and amazing Optimus is >:3

17.)Somewhere you would like to visit.
Anyone know Peter Cullen's adress? X3 But Canada..definitely Canada so I can actually meet my Wattpad friend ^3^ *Nudges Sabrina* ^~^

18.)Do you like your name?
Hannah- It's alright, but it sucks when 4947473 other people in your school have the exact name.
Nichole- Eh :/ Again, it's a common name, but it suits me I suppose.
West- .... -_- It annoys me when people call me "Hannah Northwest". But it's unique..ish. .3.

19.)Favorite season?
Summer. There's no school, which means more time for RPing.

20.)What type of phone do you have?
Well, I have the Samsung Galaxy Note II. It's an okay phone...but freezes whenever I use the damn camera -_-

21.)Something you're excited for.
This summer because I get to go to Six Flags with Abby ^3^

22.)How long does it take you to get ready?
Awake- 5-10 mins.
Not Awake- 20-30 mins.

23.)Biggest fear.
Heights. Holy fragging Primus I fucking HATE heights so fucking much. My fear of heights is the reason: I HATE escalators, am somewhat scared of climbing stairs, and hardly rode any rides at Six Flags.

24.)Favorite band.
Skillet. Skillet is love, Skillet is life 030

25.)Favorite animal.

26.)Favorite person.
Oh come on! This is so hardddddd~ ;-; I'll just name a few of my favs.
~Mom and Dad
~Sabrina (@autobotauthor)
~Char (@CharTonk )
~Jordyn (@CopperStorm )
~And a lot of other people on here ^3^

27.)One food you hate.
Hmmm....Pizza *Hides behind Fluffy-Senpai* Plz don't kill meh! ;-; You see, I got food poisoning from pizza once...and haven't been able to eat it since ._.

28.)Favorite movies.
030 Transformers 1-4

29.)Do you get grossed out easily?
Hmmm...define grossed out. Not a lot can "gross" me out, but I do have my limits. Like...puke. Oh yeah...that shit grosses me out very EASILY...and dog puke...that shit nasty man DX

30.)Relationship status.
Taken ^3^

Well there ya have it! 30...questions answered about me...


And I better get my 10 bucks! Remember Senpai...I know where you live :3

And Part 2 will (hopefully) be out soon.


*Chants* Murderrr~ Lets cut her head off! And feed her to the dogs! Heeyyyy~

...That sounded better in my head....XDD

~Le Hannah~

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