2 - The One Where I Continue Catching You Up

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  "Well yeah, it's not like there aren't hundreds of reporters out there demanding answers."

  I shrug at her comment, knowing she's right. "I guess I can do now."

  "Good, follow me," she says, leading me out of the room. I follow her to the elevator before she presses the button with a C on it. I furrow my brows, about to ask what it means.

  "C for Containment," she replies, almost as if reading my mind. How does she do that? She hangs out with Fury too often.

  The elevator brings us down to the containment floor, opening to show a a room with cameras. It shows inside of the cell, and I can already see Loki inside. We walk inside, JARVIS locking the door behind us.

  The god looks up to us with cold, piercing green eyes. He hasn't seen me yet.

 "Come back to trick me again, widow?," he says, scowling at Natasha.

  "Not quite," she replies, rolling her eyes. I step out from behind her, making him furrow his brows. His eyes travel up and down my body, examining each detail. It makes me feel a bit nervous, but I don't let it show.

  After his examination, he smirks. "Have you brought me a new plaything?" I cringe at his words, stepping up closer to him.

  "Look, I don't want any funny business while I'm here, alright trickster?"

  His brows furrow again as he tilts his head and forms a small 'o' with his mouth. "Feisty, are we? I like this one."

  I turn back to Natasha, giving her pleading eyes. She shrugs before turning around back towards the door before mouthing a small 'good luck' to me. I roll my eyes, turning back around, seeing the god has gotten closer.

  "So, what are you really here for, Midgardian?"

  "I need to know why you did it."

  "I've done many things, could you be more specific?"

  "The attack on New York."

  He sighs, turning around to sit on the couch. "I didn't want to," he says, softly.

  "What do you mean you didn't want to? You killed hundreds, Loki-"

  "He forced me to."

  I sigh, already frustrated. "Who exactly is 'he'?"


  I furrow my brows, confused. Who the hell is Thanos?

  "Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, also known as the Mad Titan." How come everyone can read my mind now??

  He chuckles. "Well, I'm not sure about the others, but if you're forgetting, I'm a god." He sighs when he sees my blank face, not quite understanding. "I can read minds, you mewling quim."

  I nod my head in realization, embarrassed for not putting two and two together. I go over to the couch he's sitting on, sitting on the end farthest from him, just in case.

  "So, Thanos.."

  The two of you talk for hours, him explaining what happened. You weren't sure why he was opening up so much to you so soon, but it sure did make things easier.

  "Well, thank you Loki. The press will hopefully be satisfied with these answers," I say, turning around to leave.

  "When will I see you again?," he asks, stopping me in my tracks. I turn back around, seeing him now standing.

  I shrug, turning back around to leave. I feel his eyes still on me as I smile to myself.

    "Find anything out, kid?" I cringe at the nickname Tony has now given me, seeing him at the small bar, making himself a drink.

  "Actually, I did." I tell him pretty much what Loki told me. He listened carefully, trying to understand. Once I finished, he nods.

  "Nice going, I'll have to set up a press conference with Fury."

  You visit Loki often, the two of you bonding quickly. You hate to admit it, but you've caught feelings for the god. The way his emerald eyes twinkle when you walk through his door; the smirk he has when he feels mischievous. Little did you know, the god was starting to feel the same way. 

  He couldn't understand why a god like him would have feelings for a pathetic Midgardian like yourself, but they were definitely there. And he planned on telling you the day he was released.

  I planned on seeing Loki when he gets released today. He's been contained for months now, and Fury has finally ok'd him to be released. It was a big day; I was excited to finally see him out of the cell. It's not like the cell wasn't great, it was pretty homey for a cell. But even gods need fresh air, fresh surroundings.

  "Well what's got you in such a good mood, Miss I-spend-way-too-much-time-with-a-murderer?," Tony says from behind me. I turn around, smirking.

  "You do realize that you've killed people too, Mr. I'm-only-cool-because-I-have-a-metal-suit, right?"

  "Excuse me, did you not read the mug?" He points to the mug that Steve gave him for Christmas. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. I roll my eyes before Tony heads to the elevator to what I presume to be the cell.

  On my way to kitchen, I stop myself, deciding to make Loki a plate of some of the chocolate cake I made last night  when an orange rectangle appears out of nowhere.

  Three men emerge from the portal, along with a woman. They're all wearing black armor and have weapons that look like batons. I get into a defense position, ready to fight.

  "Appears to be a standard sequence violation," the woman states, pulling out a small device. "The branch is growing at a stable rate and slope," she looks up to me. 

"Variant identified."

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