21 - The One Where Loki Leaves

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 Haven Hills, Alabama


Y/n's POV

 Winds going over 100 mph, rain pouring down. A cell tower falls down on the Haven Hills sign, destroying it. Explosions, destructions and overall chaos surrounds us. And I was upright terrified.

  We didn't go to many apocalypses; we hadn't known of this hole in our security. So, being put into something like this? It was horrifying.

  "Anything?" Mobius shouts to B-15. She looks at her tempad, shaking her head.

  "Nothing yet. Move out!" she yells to her team.

  The rest of the team looks calm, definitely knowing that they can easily make an escape when the hurricane gets worse. I knew it, too, but I was still scared. Why wouldn't I be?

  Loki holds my hand tighter, seeing my tenseness. I look at him, seeing a warm smile despite the class 10 apocalypse surrounding us. We make our way into the Roxxcart, soaking wet as we walk through the doors.

  Loki sighs before a green light surrounds him, drying him immediately. I let go of his hand, a little startled.

  "The hell was that?" B-15 asks when he sees the dry god.

  He looks at her, raising his brows. "That was me. Using my magic to dry my clothes." She looks at him still, wanting more of an explanation. "So I don't announce myself with every squeaky footstep like the rest of you."

  "You can't be bothered to dry us off, as well?" I mumble but catch his attention. He's about to respond before the lights flicker and thunder booms.

  "Take both teams and sweep the storm shelter," B-15 orders.

  He crew obeys, filing to the storm shelter. Mobius begins walking with Loki and I.

  "Hey, Loki, Y/n and I are gonna check out the green house, we'll meet-"


  Mobius turns around swiftly. "No?"

  "You two go with D-90. He stays with me."

  "What're you talking about? He stays under our supervision," Mobius defends.

  "This is my field op, Mobius. If he's not a threat then-"

  "Of course he's a threat! Do you not remember the time theater?"

  "Mobius.." Loki starts.

  "That's why I want him with me!"

  "You are more than welcome to go back to the TVA and litigate with Renslayer, but right now-"

  "We're here! We're not going back. The variant is here," Mobius responds, super mad. Of course, I was as well, but Mobius is pretty much saying everything I would.

  "Mobius, it's fine. It's fine," Loki reassures him. "You can trust me. I understand I have to earn that, so, I will."

  Mobius tilts his head. "Why is it the people you can't trust are always saying 'trust me?' Okay, try to hang on to your time collar this time," he says, continuing in the direction.

  "We'll see you in the showroom," D-90 tells her. I'm about to follow before Loki stops me, making me look up to him and meeting his eyes.

  "Be careful, okay?" He gets one last look at me, brushing some hair out of my face. He's also about to say something else, but quickly stops himself, shaking his head.

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