28 - The One with Desperation

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  Ravonna Renslayer.

  A woman who I believed I could trust. Someone who I felt would always have our backs, be with us til the end of the line. For all time, always. 

  But now she's the woman who's killed the two most important people in my life.

  And she was going to pay.

  She charged towards me, before I grabbed her pruner from her hands and pointed it towards her, a desperate need for revenge coursing through my veins. She holds her hands up, now giving me a sympathetic look.

  "I did what I had to do, Y/n. What needed to be done. I thought we were friends!" she pleads.

  "Bullshit," I spat. "You know very well that I'm not going to believe your lies anymore, Ravonna."

  She rolls her eyes, upset that her facade didn't work. "Do it, then," she says, cocking an eyebrow. "End me. Get your sweet, sweet revenge."

  I smirk. "No. You're going to tell us everything."

Loki's POV

  I wake up, gasping for air. I'm on the ground in somewhere strange. Somewhere remarkable. I'm not dead. I'm alive?

  How does one go on for so many years, faking their death to get along, tricking endless of people into thinking they're dead, yet now I've fooled myself as well. I suppose I shouldn't be complaining.

  Or perhaps...

  "Is this Hel?" I wonder out loud, still panting. "Am I dead?"

  "Not yet." I furrow my brows at the voice, not expecting a response. I lift my head up, seeing an odd group. "But you will be unless you come with us."

This one is more of a filler, not much really happened :')

  But, you should know that without fillers, shit wouldn't make sense at all. So... there ya go. A 263-word filler.

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