27 - The One with Loki

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  The elevator opens, showing a large room with a lot of fog (because that makes sense). Three giant creatures sit in the front - the time-keepers.

  "Hey!" I call out, getting everyone's attention. They turn to us before B-15 unlocks the time collars, letting them drop to the Loki's feet.

  "For all time," she tells me.

  "Always," I say, nodding. She throws the blade to Sylvie, which she luckily catches.

  "Protect the time-keepers!" Renslayer orders her men.

 I rush down to where Sylvie and Loki are, helping them fight off the hunters. Taking my own pruning stick, I block many of the attacks that my opponent gives me. "Come on, F-30, I thought we were cool!"

  I jab at him with the other end, which he dodges instead, grabbing hold of my stick and pulling on it, making me fall down onto my stomach. He throws it to the other side of the room, giving me no weapon. I guess we'll have to do this with hands, then.

  Still on the ground, I grab his ankles, pulling myself up and landing myself onto his shoulders, tightening my thighs, suffocating him. He falls down from lack of air as I take his stick, pruning him. It honestly made me feel pretty badass, except I don't think the TVA trained me to be able to do that.

  "A little help here!" I turn, seeing Loki struggle. Sylvie also notices, throwing her blade to him. She knocks out two of the hunters, leaving us with Ravonna. 

  She stalks around us, picking up one of the stray pruners. "This time, I finish the job."

  We both take our shot at her, but hearing Loki's struggles makes me lose focus.

  Renslayer jabs me with the pointy end of the pruner, making me regain focus. "Rude!" I duck, grabbing a pruner of my own off the ground and stand back up to slice her arm. She looks at me, wide-eyed at the sudden attack, giving Sylvie enough time to knock her out.

  Left with no one else, we look at each other, panting. We walk towards Loki, him handing the blade back to Sylvie. "You're a child of the time-keepers too, Sylvie." He walks a bit farther to where I stand behind her, taking my hand and watching the scene unfold along side me.

  The god in the center tries bargaining. "We can talk."

  "Oh yeah?" She throws her blade, full force at the time-keeper. The two on either side of him simply watch as he's decapitated right in front of our very eyes. They laugh, making me furrow my brows. Loki's grip tightens on my hand.

  The head falls beside our feet, sparking. That wasn't normal? Sylvie picks up a pruner, directing it to the two left.

  "Wait!" Loki stops her as the other time-keepers begin to slouch, going silent. Sylvie turns around, walking towards where we stand, reaching for the head.

  "Are you really gonna-" She picks it up, confirming my thought. "Yeah, she is," I sigh as she closely examines it.

  It wasn't bloody. Not even gruesome. It was robotic. Loki and I walk closer to get a better look at the odd sight. "Fake," she sighs. "Mindless androids."

  "So this is where all of our funding goes," I breathe out.

  "It never stops." I turn to Loki as he looks around the room, still out of breath. "Then who created the TVA?"

  "I thought this was it." She throws the head to the ground with a frustrated huff as she turns around, sitting on the steps to think. Loki turns around in deep thought, leaving me just staring at the head.

  It was something being lied to about your life. But this? This made things worse. I don't even know what to believe and what not to. I thought this was it. I thought we were finally finishing thi-

  My thoughts are interrupted by Loki facing me, holding me in a tight embrace. His gently strokes my hair as I nuzzle my face into his neck. All worries seem to leave me right then and there, him kissing the top of my head before pulling back.

  His hands rest on the side of my arms, forcing the two of us to look each other directly in the eyes. "We will figure this out," he says soothingly. Although he himself seemed unsure.

  "How do you know that?" I ask, feeling hopeless.

  "Because, uh... well, back when we watched the first tape..." He sighs, trying to figure out the right words. "Look, this is new for me. But y'know.. it's not, in a way? I know I felt this way when you were in my normal life, I could see it in my eyes. I know you know it too."

  I look away, trying to hide my smile. His hand holds my chin, bringing my face back to him. He moves some hair away from my face before looking behind me. I turn to see what he's looking at, seeing Sylvie holding two thumbs up.

  I roll my eyes before turning back to him, letting him continue. "I can't pretend these feelings don't exist, because, Y/n, I-"

  The center of him starts disintegrating, growing and growing, covering his body. My smile drops when I see the look of horror on his face, not sure how to react. I feel his hands disappear from my sides, his body completely vanishing.

  I feel my eyes burn, begging to let tears fall and cry out for him once I see the person now standing in front of me. Just behind where Loki once stood is a pruner, pointed towards me.

  On the other end stands someone I once trusted.

  Ravonna Renslayer.

ayy that's much better

  Not sure how much I'll get done this weekend, but next weekend is the start of winter break :DDD

  Meaning LOTS more writing and chapters for you to read! (No more waiting, hooray!)

It also means two days of midterm finals


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