13 - The One Where Loki Has To Work

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  "Is it just me or does this office just keep getting better and better?," Mobius asks. Renslayer's office was definitely a lot better than the basic cubicle. It was it's own room, with couches, shelves, a desk, and of course statues of the Time-Keepers in the back. Those statues were everywhere, it's like they're always watching you.

  Ravonna pops open the liquor bottle. "Where'd you get that one, the snow globe?," I ask, pointing to it.

  "Ooh, I love those," Mobius agrees from beside me. "Although I don't remember bringing back that case."

  "You aren't the only analysts working for me," she replies, simply.

  "But, would you say, maybe I'm your favorite one?" I elbow his arm. "Sorry, we're your favorite ones?," he corrects himself.

  "Hey, why do you get to keep all the stuff from our cases?," I ask. It wasn't very fair.

  "Yeah, you don't think I'd love having that roller skate here sprucing up my cubicle?" Ravonna comes around, holding two glasses.

  "Because I approve the missions."

  "Good point," Mobius mumbles.

  "You don't do the work, though," I mutter with him.

  "Speaking of which, let's talk about the one you just botched." Him and I groan at her suggestion. She hands the glasses to us. "You might need this for our discussion."

  "I hope it's a double," Mobius says, bringing the cup to his mouth.

  "I hope it's a triple," I say, doing the same.

  Ravonna sits down on the couch opposite of us, reading a file. "This variant is 'insubordinate, stubborn, unpredictable.' Sounds like some people I know."

  "I was just thinking it sounds like someone I know," Mobius mutters. He sets his drink down on the table without a coaster, sparking her attention. He's dead.



  "Coaster," I whisper to him.

  "Those rings were already there!"

  "And they're all from you," she tells him.

  "Maybe it's from your other favorite analyst." He sets his drink down on a coaster. "Listen, Ravonna, I'm sorry. I realize that our, you know, our methods with this Loki are controversial,  but-"

  "Towing a dangerous variant into the field is controversial."

  "Yeah, it didn't go exactly the way we wanted it to today, but here's what we did find out. The variant likes to stall for time, and eventually we'll catch the other one doing the same thing, because understanding this Loki helps us get closer to the one we're chasing. Right?"

  "Look, I know you two have a soft spot for broken things."

  "No we don't," I defend. 

  "Yes, you do. But Loki is an evil, lying scourge-"

  "He's not!," I yell, now standing up. Guilt and embarrassment washes over me as I quickly sit back down, noticing the upset look on Renslayer's face.

  "As I was saying, that is the part he plays on the Sacred Timeline."

  "Why do I have to work with him?," I ask Mobius, upset. Why am I the one basically babysitting the variant?

  "Well you stood up for him in Renslayer's office, I just thought you'd want some alone time with him," he replies, winking. I roll my eyes and turn to Loki.

  "You stood up for me?," he asks.

  "It doesn't matter."

  "Okay.. well while the two of you are working, I'll be getting myself a snack," Mobius says. "Oh, and Loki. I've got a trick for you to get through it: pretend your life depends on it," he says, turning around and leaving.

  We sit down at one of the desks, looking through all of the files in silence.

  "Oh my goodness. Don't tell me the variant ambushed and killed another team of minutemen," he says sarcastically. He gasps, "And stole their reset charge as well!," he says, putting the paper back down. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

  Someone from behind him shushes him, to which he turns around and shushes back. I giggle, enjoying the playful side of him. I clear my throat, returning back to work.

  "I'll be back," he assures me, getting up. I nod, looking back down at the papers.

  After about ten minutes, he comes back with a big file in his hands, cursing at someone under his breath.

  "Whatcha got there?," I ask him, arranging some of the papers already on the table to make room for new ones.

  "Oh, just an important case file of the one and only," he says, slapping them on the table and sitting down, pouting like a toddler.

  We begin looking through the new papers, although I already know most of this stuff. Loki picks up a paper, looking at it for a while and tearing up.

  "What's that?," I ask, sitting up and bit and leaning over to get a closer look. He hands the paper to me, giving me a better look.



    I sigh, rubbing my temples. "Oh Loki, I'm sorry you had to find out like this.."

  He sniffles, looking away from me to hide his tears. I suddenly get the urge to get up and hug him, but I'm not sure how he'd react. Although, it looks like he really needs it.

  I get up, slowly, walking over to him and sitting in the chair next to him to give him an awkward embrace. He returns it after slight hesitation, holding me tightly. It gave me butterflies in my stomach, but I fight off the feeling.

  I let go, making him let go, before he grabs the paper once more to further examine the details. He then sets the paper down quickly, like he just had an idea.

  "We need to get Mobius, now," he orders as he closes the file and gets up.

  "Uh, well okay.." I reply, getting up as well and following him.

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