18 - The One Where We Have Breakfast

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  We enter the break room, seeing Mobius already at one of the tables. He has a smirk on his face, but it finally drops when he sees Loki and I walking in separated. I roll my eyes, taking off my jacket and placing it the back of my chair and sitting down.

  Loki follows behind me, taking a seat as well. He casts a sorrowful glance towards me, but I'm just too awkward to say anything.

  "What's got you down?," Mobius asks, breaking the silence.

  "Just a certain God in my bed because of my best friend," I sigh.

  "That's it? And you didn't kill him for it?" He chuckles a bit. "I'm surprised, Agent."

  "I explained to her why I did it," Loki tells him. 

  "Well, if that's all you're upset about," he pushes a plate towards me. It has [your fav breakfast food], my favorite. I try to fight the smile from appearing on my face, but of course it finds itself as I devour it.

  "See, it doesn't take much to get her out of her mood." Loki chuckles as I roll my eyes but go in for another bite. Just as he said, my bad mood is practically gone and the conversation lightens. I can tell Loki is still a bit guilty, though.

  "By the way, at your desk, that magazine?," Loki starts.

  "Yeah. The one on jet skis?," Mobius asks. I laugh a bit to myself, knowing Mobius' obsession with the water vehicle.

  "Yes. Why do you have that?"

  "Because they're awesome."

  Loki chuckles. "I suppose they are."

  "Yeah. You know, some things... actually most things in history at pretty dumb, and eventually everything gets ruined eventually. But in the early 1990s, for a brief, shining moment, there was a beautiful union of form and function, which we call the jet ski, and a reasonable man cannot differ."

  I laugh a bit at his monologue, wiping my mouth with a napkin after finishing. "Ever been on one?," Loki asks.

  "No," Mobius scoffs. "No. I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure." I nod my head sadly, as I know how it feels.

  Loki tilts his head. "It'd be fun, though."

  Mobius chuckles. "Yeah, it'd be really fun."

  "So why read about them?"

  "Just helps remind me what we're fighting for," he says, patting my arm.

  Loki scoffs. "I mean, you really believe in all this stuff, don't you?"

  "I don't get hung up on 'believe, not believe.' I just accept what is."

  "Three magic lizards..." 


  "-Created the TVA, and everyone in it..."

  "Right." I nod my head with Mobius.

  "Including the two of you?"

  "Including us."

  Loki scoffs. "Every time I start to admire your intelligence, you say something like that."

  "Who do you think created you, then, Loki?," I ask.

  "A frost giant of Jotunheim."

  "And who raised you?"

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