33 - The One with the Tablecloth

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  "Mobius!" I cry out, running into his open arms. I hold him close to me, grateful to have my best friend back. I knew he would be here, but I wasn't sure if the cloud got to him before I did.

  He hugs me back, ruffling my hair. "Someone missed me," he says, struggling to breath from the bear hug. I roll my teary eyes, though not saying anything.

  "What happened? Are you okay?," Loki asks Sylvie as Mobius pries me off of him. He chuckles as I hesitantly let go, going back to where I was beside Loki.

  Mobius takes his place next to Sylvie, catching Loki's attention. "Mobius!" He looks a bit frantic, overwhelmed by what's going on. "How did you-"

  "We thought you could do with some backup," Sylvie explains. "It seems Y/n here found you first, though."

  He takes a deep breath, putting his hands on his hips. Classic and Kid Loki begin walking towards us, catching the other two's attention. Sylvie begins charging at them before I grab her arm, making her stop and turn towards me.

  "Sylvie, no. Bad Sylvie," I scold in a playful way. She rolls her eyes, a small smirk forming on her lips.

  "These are our friends," Loki explains. "Well, they're...um... how best to put this? Uh... us as a child, us in the future, and uh... us as an alligator." Sylvie gives him a confused look, making me chuckle. 

  "It's best not to question it," I tell her.

  "You throw a rock out here you hit a Loki," Mobius says beside us.

  "So you're all after the giant cloud monster, too, then?" Sylvie questions.

  "Well, we haven't decided how we're going to kill it, but-"

  "Sorry, come again? Kill it?" she interrupts Loki.

  "Yes, we're gonna kill Alioth."

  "Oh my god. That was your plan."


  "And you went along with it?" she asks me in disbelief.

  I shrug. "I mean I did think it pretty stupid but you try convincing him," I say, gesturing to the playfully offended Loki beside me. His mouth hangs open, staring at me with mischief in his eyes.

  "Why must your words wound me so," he says, clutching his heart. I laugh, earning a smile from him. I see Sylvie and Mobius give a look to each other; one I can't fully recognize. "Well, if my plan is so stupid then what's your plan?"

  "I think the person we're after is beyond the void at the end of time," Sylvie says simply. "And if they are, that thing is just their guard dog protecting the only way in."

  Her words make sense as I nod my head, moving over to her side as a gesture of agreement. Look, I may be Loki's friend, but he could be an idiot sometimes and Sylvie's belief seems valid.

  "Okay, so, um... how do we get past the guard dog?"

  "I'm going to enchant it."

  I slowly make my way back to Loki's side. She seriously thinks she can enchant a cloud? This is how I'm going to die. I'm going to die amongst a bunch of Loki's because of their stupidity.

  Loki laughs, not quite believing her. She rolls her eyes. "That's insane, right?"

  "As insane as what? Paper cutting a giant cloud to death?"

  "Listen, I've been down here a bit longer than you-"

  "I'm going to enchant it." Loki looks at each of us in disbelief, Mobius and I just shrugging with sly smirks on our faces.

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