25 - The One Where You Know

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Y/n's POV

  "Y/n!" I turn around, seeing B-15 approaching me. Her hair is wet, making me furrow my brows.

  "What happened to y-"

  "No time to explain. Where's Mobius?"

  "Interrogating Loki, why?"

  She sighs. "We'll just have to do this without him." She starts leading me to somewhere else.

  "What is going on? Did something happen?"

  "It's Sylvie."

  "Sorry, who?"

  "The other variant. That's what she goes by." We approach time theater 47 where they were keeping the variant- sorry, Sylvie.

  "Woah woah woah, I thought she was too dangerous to go in there?" I ask, stopping before the door.

  "That's what she wants you to think." She opens the door, showing Sylvie chilling in one of the chairs, also soaked. B-15 takes out her tempad, inputting some info before a portal appears.


  "I don't even know what I'm ready for-"

  They pull me in, and I'm immediately soaked just as they are. Fast winds, rain pouring. They brought me back to fucking Roxxcart. Are they gonna kill me or something??

  "What the hell are you doing?" I'm interrupted by Sylvie grabbing my arm, causing me to enter a deep sleep.


  I wake up - no, not wake up. It's all a dream. Either way, I'm in an apartment-like room, much like the one in the tape I found. Exactly like the tape I found.

  "Ah, Y/n." I turn around, seeing Loki is some lounge wear. It was an odd sight to say the least. "You're a bit late, aren't you?"

  I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

  "Usually you're here earlier? No matter, I'm still happy to see you as always." He gives me a genuine smile, like the ones he always gives me. I smile awkwardly back, confused on what exactly was happening.

"Are you going somewhere today? You look simply ravishing." I look down, seeing myself in a green jumpsuit.

  "I don't think so?" He furrows his brows, coming closer to me. A bit too close, if you ask me.

  "Don't tell me you dressed up for me?" He smirks, looking down to meet my eyes with his emerald green ones. I feel my cheeks heat up at the small gap between us.

  He waves his hand in the air, causing music to start from the ceiling. "May I have this dance?" he asks, bowing and holding his hand to me. I hesitantly accept it, him placing a gentle kiss on the top and holding it, placing his hand on my waist and starting to sway to the rhythm.

  The song goes on as we dance around the room, laughing and just enjoying the time. Before we know it, the song is over. He bows once more before standing back up and brushing some hair out of my face. It makes me remember that night at Roxxcart and that this isn't real. Or is it? 

  What if this really was my life before the TVA? What if the tape wasn't a mistake? I mean... I did find it in Renslayer's office. I didn't think much about it until now. Now, it all makes sense.

  He places a small kiss upon my cheek, definitely making me blush. Hard. He chuckles after seeing the reaction, about to say something but is soon interrupted by a voice in the cieling.

  "Miss Y/l/n, your presence is requested by Mr. Stark." 

  Stark? As in Tony Stark? I look around the room, seeing cameras in corners. I recognize this place, now. This was in the Avengers Compound. I was an Avenger. I was tasked with interviewing Loki, but it became more.

  The TVA took me from my home.


  Waking up for real now, I see Sylvie opening her eyes and B-15 standing by. She lets go of my arm, rain still pouring down.

  "I...I remember everything now," I say.

  "We need to put an end to the TVA," Sylvie shouts. "It's the only way to stop this." I nod, taking a deep breath. It was a lot to process.

  "We have to tell Mobius."

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