32 - The One with Some Reunions

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The Void

Y/n's POV


  "Y/n!" He pulls me into a tight embrace, digging his face into the crook of my neck. I hold him tight, grateful that he's not dead like I thought he was. "What are you doing here?"

  "I don't think now is the time for an explanation."

  He nods, pulling back. "Right. Let's get out of this place, shall we?" He stands up, offering me his hand, to which I accept as he pulls me to my feet.

  He leads me to a green portal, allowing me to go through first. We step out into a field, similar to the one I arrived in. We follow the other two people, whom I assume to be other Loki variants by the look of their outfits.

  "We lie and we cheat, we cut the throats of every person who trusts us, and for what?" The older one rants. Loki takes my hand. I smile at him, glad to finally be reunited. "Glorious purpose! We cannot change. We're broken, every version of us. Forever."

  "And, when one of us dares to try to fix themselves they're sent here to die," the younger one rants along. I feel guilt wash over me, knowing that the organization I work with is the cause for their suffering.

  "That's why we need to get out of here," Loki says beside me. "Nothing can change until the TVA is stopped."

  "And you trust her?" the older one asks the two of us.

  "She's the only one who can help us," I explain. Loki nods, agreeing to my statement. "She's the only chance in bringing down the TVA."

  "That's good enough for me," the younger one replies.

  "Okay, okay. We'll help you. But, approaching Alioth is a death sentence." The older Loki looks the normal one directly in the eyes. "We'll get you to it, but that's as far as we go."

    We nod, accepting the deal. We begin walking more to who knows where, but it wasn't a bad walk. Besides the giant purple cloud identical to the one in my repeating nightmare, of course.

  "I have to say, it feels odd walking with a Y/n again. Not that it's a bad thing," the older one says along the way. I smile, happy to know that my presence was accepted.

  "I agree," the younger one says. I feel him take my free hand hesitantly, hoping I wouldn't reject it. I take it in mine, letting him sigh of relief. It was weird being around so many Lokis.

  We walk in silence towards the cloud, making me grow wearier by the second. Where were they? The normal Loki notices this, tightening his grip in a way to comfort me. It helps, but not all the way.

  "Do you have a plan of action?" the older one asks.

  "Get inside, find its heart or brain or whatever, and then, y'know, do it in."

  "I mean..." the younger one starts.

  "Okay, just because it's not complicated doesn't mean it's bad."

  "It also doesn't mean it's good." We stop on the cliff, looking over to the monster. An alligator growls, coming closer to me, stopping just in front of my feet, as if shielding me.

  "See? He's on board."

  "He's praying. He thinks we're going to die," older Loki explains.

  Kid Loki inputs some controls on his little device, causing an enormous ship to land below us onto the free land, just in front of Alioth.

  "Alioth is like any animal." The cloud thunders, heading straight for the ship. "He'll go after the big meal first. And while he's busy with that, we can sneak around the back and-"

  Alioth screeches, ready to consume the large boat as if it's nothing. The sailors shoot canons, trying so desperately to save themselves. To no avail, the monster attacks them, eating them alive and leaving the ship a rusted ruin.

  My heart pounds, terrified of the journey to come. Loki himself seems distressed, not quite expecting that to happen. He pulls me closer to him, holding me to look away and calm himself down with me safe in his arms.

  He continues looking stunned at the ruins, out of breath. "Okay. Maybe, we, uh... think a bit more about this, huh?"

  "Car." We turn in the same direction kid Loki looks to, seeing a light in the distance.


  "Along the horizon," classic Loki explains.

  "Is that bad?"

  "Well, usually means cannibalistic marauders, or cannibalistic pirates," kid Loki replies.

  "Great," I sigh.

  The car comes closer, slowing down when they get closer. "Now they're slowing down," Loki says.

  "What're they doing?" older Loki questions.

  "Just stay on guard," kid Loki orders.

  The car stops, the door opening to show a familiar blonde who I lost earlier. "Sylvie!" I rush after her, making Loki chase after me. Reaching her, I give her a tight embrace.

  "There you are!" she exclaims, holding me just as tight. Me and her became close during our time trying to figure out how to get here. "We thought you were dead."

  "We?" I ask, pulling back. She nods as the driver's door opens, showing a man in a suit with classic white hair.

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