Amnesia - 1

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   When Jack felt himself rise from the frozen lake, the only thing he saw was the moon. He had no idea where he was, how he got there, or even WHO he was. All he knew was what the moon told him, and that was that his name was Jack Frost.

This went on for nearly 100 years but at some point Jack had lost count and was just guessing. No one saw him and if they did, they were a spirit like him and hated him because "all winter does is kill." He tries in vain to get them to like him, after all it wasn't his fault he was created the way he was. The moon was his only supposed friend but even then the moon only talks to him to repeatedly say he is Jack Frost.

Discovering how to use his powers and ride around with the wind took up most of his time due to no one wanting to acknowledge him. If everyone was going to hate him, why not have fun and give them an actual reason? Winter was known for being chaotic and uncontrollable so that's what he would give them.

But the blizzard of 68' on Easter was a total accident. Jack had spent the day running from two rather hateful summer spirits with very short tempers. He had not meant to make them mad, he only wanted to have some fun but they didn't see it that way. Unfortunately Jack made snow and frost, while the summer spirits made fire and flames which melts ice. They had chased him around for some time until exhaustion took over and the wind tried to help him out by blowing out their flames. But it blew the flames onto Jack instead, leaving him burnt and causing him to black out and create the catastrophic blizzard subconsciously in order help him hopefully escape and heal.

Jack was devastated when he woke up and realized what happened because he respected bunny and loved the joy it caused all the children. So when Bunny came hopping along and yelling at him, he tried to laugh away his sadness and pain knowing he had hurt all of bunny's hard work. Being a child himself he knew just how devastating it can be when people you put your trust in disappoint you.

Phil the Yedi didn't like him either but was not as harsh towards him as most of the others were. Jack almost considered Phil a friend as he tried to constantly break into the worship as if a fun game between the two. After all he was still a kid at heart and in body and just wanted people to acknowledge him even if it had to be negative. He didn't reach the top of the naughty list by accident.

But one year Phil noticed the goofy winter spirit hadn't been as active as usual and left him alone all year long. He didn't think much of it at first but he was fond of the kid and knew why he always tried so hard to be seen. He never bothered to complain about Jack to North because the kid never tried to mess anything up, he just wanted to have fun but a few months turned into a year and then two and Phil was worried sick.

North was impressed when he discovered the young spirit had been trying to break into his workshop but could hear the worry in Phil's voice when he claimed the kid was missing for so long. Now that he thought about it, Jack was no longer even on top the naughty list anymore and the boy always seemed to try very hard to maintain his record. He knew the boy was unliked due to being a winter spirit but he could not bring himself to hate a child no matter how bad or naughty they were. As he began to pace around his office, a beam of light shines down on his floor. The man in the moon was trying to tell him something so he quickly called all the guardians to the pole.

Once they all arrived with a tired Sandy floating in last, North gave them a summary of Jack missing and Manny trying to tell him something. "Frost mate!? That little icecicle froze over Easter not too long ago, why should I help look for him?" Bunny exclaimed! "Bunny! He's just a kid and knowing you, I doubt you let him explain himself before yelling at him and hopping off! He has possibly been missing for two years, the least you can do is help look!" As North said this, he waved his sabers around nearly slicing off bunny's whiskers in the process. Sandy flashed a few images above his head and waved his arms around before shaking an elf around. He pointed to the floor and showed Manny had arrived to talk to them all.

The big four gathered together and he shined an image of a scared looking Jack with his hair looking messier than usual. Man in the moon then created a cage around him with chains around his wrists and ankles without his iconic staff anywhere to be seen. It was obvious that he wasn't safe and indeed missing as Phil had guessed and the guardians knew it was their job to go save him. He looked so scared and helpless that bunny was left without any quick remarks, North not looking so jolly, and tooth in near tears. Sandy was the most affected and floated all the way down to the floor with a slump and heartbroken look on his face.

Tooth had heard of Jack and how his teeth sparkled like fresh snow but had never bothered to talk to him due to the bad mouthing Bunny always had to say about him. Sandy on the other hand was quite fond of the boy and had sent him good dreams whenever he came upon him as he had always tried so hard to understand him only wanting to be friends. Like Phil, Sandy had noticed his absence but he had gone for years before without seeing him as he sometimes liked to spend time in the poles playing with penguins.

No one knew where Jack was being held but then Manny shifted his image to a dark man's shadow that could only mean one person. His skinny yet tall body seemed to taunt the four as Manny made it slink about in the moon beam and turned to face them. It was their worst enemy and the one they had feared for many years would eventually return... Pitch.

Edited - July 30, 2022

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