You're Real!? - 13

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AN : sorry I had to #hungergamesvictors

   As Jack woke up a third time, he smiled as his eyes met with Sandys' and whispered "It wasn't a dream?" Sandy quickly created a mini firework show with his sand and smiled as he shook his head. He made a motion with his hands to wait right there and flew off out the door. Jack continued to watch the sand show as Sandy returned with the guardians following behind him. All their hearts melted as they saw Jack with a small smile on his lips.

Sandy snapped his fingers to stop the show and pointed to the guardians for Jack to see and created a thumbs up 👍🏻 over his head. Jack glanced their way and gave Sandy a small nod. Tooth decided to go first and introduce herself. "Hi Jack, I'm Tooth also known as the Tooth fairy. I've heard nothing but sweet things about you from my fairies sweet tooth." Jack's eyes lit up a bit at her comment as he whispered a "thanks".

North walked up next "Vell Jack, most kids know me as Santa but you can call me North da?" Jack gave a small nod and whispered, "Guess I'm no longer on top of the naughty list am I?" North held his belly as he laughed and shook his head. As he did this Bunny slowly hopped to Jack not wanting to scare him. "Well you already know me frostbite, sorry if I scared ya back in '68. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." Sandy whacked him over the head for that and started to wag his finger in Bunny's face as sand blew out his ears in anger. No one yells at Jack if Sandy has a say in it.

After that Jack started to smile a bit more and didn't flinch at every movement they made. It was clear he still didn't trust them but they could tell they were growing on him. Jack never said much over the next few days but the Guardians already loved him. Underneath his shy cover, they could tell was a happy energetic boy just waiting to be free again.

To Sandy, Jack was his little brother and only left his side when he absolutely had to. Bunny also saw Jack as a little brother and wanted to bring the kid back out of his shell to make up for his actions in the past. For Tooth, Jack was like a son to her and she planned on spoiling him rotten, except for his teeth of course. His pearly whites were going to stay white and that was final. As for North, Jack was the son he had never gotten to have. He would protect him no matter what. Pitch was going to pay!

Edited October 13, 2022

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