Outside again - 15

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   Wanting to go outside but also scared of Pitch finding out, Jack sits quietly in Bunny's warm arms and begins to nod off. Bunny smiles at this seeing it as a sign that Jack is healing and trusting them enough to not feel the need to stay awake whenever around them. He shifts Jack in his arms into a more comfortable position and walks around to try and find North and Sandy. He finds Sandy first, who had fallen asleep in the library with a book half finished in his lap. Bunny tapped him awake with his foot to see if he wanted to go outside with Jack. Sandy wasn't happy about his nap being disturbed but  cooled off once he knew why. Seeing Jack asleep in Bunny's arms made him smile while they discussed where in the shop North could be.

   The trio then made their way to North's office  with Sandy going in to talk to North and Bunny waiting in the hallway not wanting North's thunderous voice to wake Jack up. By the time Tooth returned with the fairies closest to Jack, all three of the other guardians were waiting for her talking softly to let Jack continue sleeping. He had made himself quite comfortable, leaning onto Bunnymund's chest and his arms draped around his neck with his head of hair pressed on Bunny's neck. As they all watched him rest and waited for him to wake up, Bunny rubbed his paw up and down Jack's back to keep him from slipping off his lap.

   Soon enough Jack woke back up and let out a long yawn making the Guardians smile at his cuteness. Tooth's fairies happily announced their presence to Jack with little coos before giving him many tiny kisses on the forehead and trying in vain to fix his messy hair. Tooth then asked Jack if he was ready to go outside and he only hesitated for a moment before giving her a nod. Still in Bunny's lap, he was scooped up and carried to the doors leading outside. Tooth had told the others of Jack's initial reaction to going outside and Bunny gently rubbed his back trying to make Jack's anxiety go away. "You're okay frostbite, I got ya." He soothed in Jack's ear. Tooth opened the door and as a breeze blew in, Jack recognized it as his friend the wind. While Jack couldn't fly around or create snow storms without his staff, he had learned when the wind was saying hi by blowing through his hair.

   Bunny felt encouraged as Jack's muscles grew less tense and began to lean towards outside. He could tell by Jack's eyes just how much he had missed the outdoors. Once fully out, Bunny gentle placed Jack in the snow and they all smiles as he begins to run his hands around in the snow. With his finger he drew little fairies like Tooth's and next thing they knew, frost sculptures lifted from the ground and began a snowball fight with everyone. The Guardians were in awe of Jack's magic and happy to see him so relaxed. They watched as a few elf's ran out to join as well and smiled at one another. Jack was going to be okay! Until they noticed the air grow colder and the frost creations crumbled apart.

   Pitch had come back for Jack and he brought reinforcements. Too focused on the snow, Jack remained unaware of Pitch's return. The Guardians anxiously watched as Pitch's small size from a distance quickly grew. A large dark shadow followed him but they knew what it truly was. As they had spent their time caring for Jack, Pitch had been out in the world terrorizing children to regain his nightmares. He seemed to have a Shepard's crook in his hand and was twirling it around for all to see.

North unsheathed his sabers and stepped forward in a protective stance. Pitch slowed to a stop with a smirk and tilted slightly to the side. "I see you still have the boy." He said in a lazy tone. Jack looked up at the sound of his tormentors voice and froze. Pitch ignored this and taunted the Guardians. "I mean, did you really think I would let you keep him? All he does is cause trouble, I was honestly doing you all a favor! Now give him back and there will be no need for fighting."

Sandy made an X with his arms while Bunny and North growled under their breath. "We are not going to let you get anywhere near Jack, Pitch!" Tooth warned as she prepared herself for a fight. Pitch let his smirk drop, "Very well..." and turned his attention to Jack. "But what if the boy doesn't want to stay?"

Edited October 13, 2022

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