Reunion - 16

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Jack sat still as if frozen in place but shook like a leaf. He hated how his kidnapper could cause the blood in his veins freeze in fear. Only Pitch could make him feel so unnaturally cold. Pitch had found out where he was and that he was outside! Pitch was coming to punish him and he didn't want that. But he knew running would only make his punishments worse. Jack was terrified and unfortunately for the Guardians, it was that fear that Pitch loved to enjoy to fuel himself into being more powerful.

But what Jack didn't know was just how weak Pitch had become since the guardians last fight. He was desperate but he had a few tricks up his sleeves. Pitch is determined to get Jack back no matter the cost. He secretly missed the kid in a way and would wait for as long as needed to become stronger again once he got him back. But Pitch wasn't very patient so here he is. Jack belonged to HIM and no one else.

  Pitch's voice snapped Jack out of his mental breakdown. "Oh Snowflake~ don't you wanna come back home? Come back now and your punishment won't be too bad. After all, you never asked these big bad people to save you did ya?" Pitch smirked at the anger displayed on the Guardians' faces as Jack looked between them, not wanting to make either mad. Pitch continued in a worried tone. "Come home Jack, I just want to protect you! These "guardians"will only use you for your powers, I thought I taught you that by now!?"

   Jack flinched at this and the Guardians looked murderous. But before they attacked he had just one more thing to say! "And Jack! Don't you want your staff back?" He pulled it again and twirled it in between his fingers. "Can't quite control your powers without it. It's be a shame if you didn't come back and I had to break it!" He snarled unaware that the Guardians had split apart to attack him one by one. As soon as the threat left his mouth, he realized his mistake and got whacked in the jaw by Sandy.

Sandy was raging mad at Pitch and himself. How could he have forgotten about Jack's staff?! No wonder Jack always had it with him. As Sandy fought Pitch, he made sure to grab the staff first before whacking Pitch around. With a smile, he grabbed Pitch by the leg with his whip and threw him high up in the air. He yawned and looked at an imaginary watch before harshly pulling Pitch back to the ground. Completely knocked out, Sandy began to pick off nightmares, one at a time.

   As Sandy took care of Pitch, Tooth protected Jack and held onto his staff so no nightmares could steal it again. She fly protectively in front of him and used her fists to fight. She got a few kicks in too. Terrified but with his staff again, Jack stayed seated on the ground but froze a few nightmares as well. Tooth saw this and cheered him on before continuing to fight as well. Sandy saw as well and tipped a sand hat towards Jack as he fought his eleventh nightmare. He also sent a golden sand snowman to Jack to help Tooth protect Jack from harm.

   Bunny and North just made the fight into a competition to see who could destroy more nightmares. Sandy was secretly competing as well but couldn't exactly shout out his numbers like they could. In the end, Bunny got 73, North destroyed 107, and Sandy won with 113. But to be fair Sandy did have a small head start as he attacked first. The fight itself didn't take too long but finding a place to securely keep Pitch locked up did. But he was once again defeated and this time he wasn't going to get away. They locked him up in a room completely lit up so he had no shadows to escape through and had to wait till nightfall for Manny to take him away.

At the end of the fight, as the boys handled Pitch, Jack had the time to realize what truly just happened and panicked. Tooth calmed Jack down and got him to fall asleep as his emotional roller coaster left him feeling drained. Tooth had handed him his staff and he cuddled up with it cuddling into a ball. It was the most peaceful sleep she had seen him have yet.

(Looked like this, same photo is at the start of the chapter)

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(Looked like this, same photo is at the start of the chapter)

Edited October 13, 2022

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