Darkness - 2

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   Jack wasn't sure what had happened. He was flying around on the wind who was his only true friend trying to avoid everyone that hated him like usual. Unfortunately for him that meant basically any and all of the spirits. But suddenly everything went black.

   When he woke up, all he could see was darkness. It was as if he had not woken up at all... He felt empty as he reached for his staff to call for the wind but couldn't find it. Jack had only been separated from his staff a few times and felt himself begin to panic. It only happened when others wanted to torment him but they would always hold it just out of reach but remain within his line of sight as most knew how important it actually was to him. But this time it was too dark to even see his hand waving in front of his face. Regardless of how dark it was, he knew something was terribly wrong as no one had ever gone this far to simply scare or mess with him.

   Once shaking off his disorientation, he realized the he was freezing. Not the casual cool temperature his body was always at but a bone chilling cold. His whole body was shivering and it was terrifying. He had never felt this way before and he didn't like it one bit.

   He tried to stand up to walk around when he heard the loud sound of something scraping across the floor. He began to stand again only to realize the sound was coming from him. Specifically around his wrists and ankles... he was in chains. He couldn't tell where he was but he did know that he was in a cage or cell of some sort and that scared him. "Hello? ...Anyone? ... Please! Just let me go!" He begged as his mind flew through names of who would have wanted to cause him so much fear.

   Unable to tell the time, Jack had no idea how long he was in the cell when his captor decided to say hi. The room got even colder to Jack's dismay as he heard a door start to creak open agonizingly slow. No light came from the room outside either so he still couldn't see where he was or who was coming in. All he knew was that this person was most likely not trustworthy as most kidnappers aren't.

   As Pitch waltzed in, he came in as slowly as possible to increase Jack's fear that he was already engulfing himself in. His brilliant plan is to use the boy's fear to increase his power much quicker than he could with any other children that the blasted guardians vowed to protect. He chuckles to himself as they forgot to protect the most important one of all, the immortal spirit of a child that they and many others had pushed away and shunned. Part of him felt for the boy as they had done the same to him but he needed power not a companion. But, if time allowed it, maybe in the future that could happen as well.

  "Hello Jack. Fancy finding you here in my dungeon already chained up and ready for some fun! You like fun right? After all you are a child so you should love this!" Pitch taunted. Being the embodiment of fear, allowed Pitch to see better in the darkness than light and lunges at Jack, grabbing his collar and pulls his face in front of his. He can hear Jack's breath hitch and fear increase and he breathes in the intoxicating feeling as it swirls around him. He can already feel his powers growing and smirks as he drops Jack harshly back down to the floor without warning.

Wanting to feel even more of the boy's fear, he creates some of his strongest nightmare sand and lets it slowly crawl up his body trapping Jack in a endless nightmare. "What are you doing? Please stop it! Please!" Jack chokes out before the sand completely covers him. But his begging only encourages Pitch as except when he wants to come have some real fun or gets bored, which ever comes first, Jack won't be able to wake up no matter how hard he tries. Jack begins to thrash around and whimper in fear but all Pitch does is watch as even more fear is induced. Pitch crouches down to Jack's ear and whispers "Goodbye snowflake~ sweet dreams~" Satisfied with the results and gaining even more fear than expected, Pitch leaves the poor boy alone in the dark for until he gets bored again.

   Pitch smiles as the sand connected to Jack fills his ears with the sounds of soft whimpers and cries for help. After yearning for the addictive taste of fear due to isolation forced on him by the guardians, Pitch no longer has pity for anyone. After all, if no one would have pity and help him, why should they get any. Regardless of the fact that Jack wasn't even aware of Pitch's existence, Pitch planned on fueling all his hate into him to get his revenge no matter what the cost.

Edited July 31, 2022

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