Seasons are changing - 9

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At first the other spirits were happy with Jack seeming to be laying low. But over time they started to worry... had one of them gone too far? Killing a spirit was hard but it wasn't impossible and they had certainly been hard on Jack before. Even Mother Nature began to fret. Most didn't know this, but she loved Jack, he was just a child and she hated all the hate he received for his season. She always made sure he knew she loved him too, it's just that for his sake she kept it hidden so her other children wouldn't get jealous.

Her children did not understand that winter was necessary for everything to be reset every year. It gave the Earth's soil time to recover to help plants in the Spring to grow better. It helped everyone cool off and stopped the air from becoming too humid. Yes it came with death as some couldn't warm up enough but every season had death. Spring time brought rain which meant floods. Summer time could get too hot and cause droughts or heat strikes and dehydration. The fall was full of hurricanes and early frost that could kill crops.

Jack was needed just as much as any of her other children and they were beginning to see that as well. He was the youngest out of them all by a lot and as annoying as he could be they were missing the laughter he caused. Jack was what completed them. Just as you have North, South, East, and West winds. Jack made up Winter that followed Spring, Summer, and Fall.

   Some of the other spirits began to miss Jack as well. Groundhog especially, due to the entire fact that his holiday was based off whether there would be more winter or not due to his shadow. With the milder winters, not nearly as many people cared about him any more as they didn't care of winter was going to be longer the past two years or not. The Leprechaun missed the boy as well. They would occasionally meet and Jack lived trying to chase to the other side of the rainbow for some of the Leprechaun's pot of chocolate gold. Jack was the only person he was ever willing to share with and now his buddy was gone!

   The tooth fairies and penguins missed him too. His playful spirit always filled them with joy and excitement. He would play games with them and was always so kind. He never had a bad thing to say and loved just to make them smile. Jack was special and they didn't care how cold his naturally was. He was their friend and that was all that mattered.

Edited October 13, 2022

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