The letter - 23

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   After much debate, Pitch picked up a pen and began to write a letter he had no intention of ever delivering.

Dear Jack,
     I know sorry will never cover everything I put you through but I truly regret it all. This will sound like an excuse and desperate attempt to once again manipulate you but I let myself lose control. While I have the power to control shadows and thrive on fear, it completely took over me. I became desperate  for more and more of the taste of fear and used you for it. I tricked you and terrified you and for that I will never be able to forgive myself but I pray one day you can forgive me. Manny has helped me come to my senses and regain control over my powers and will let me back down to Earth eventually but you will never have to see me again. I don't deserve your forgiveness but you deserve the world. I hope you can soon have others see you and believe in you and be treated right.
               My deepest apologies,
                                             - Pitch

   Wiping a tear before it can drop on the letter, Pitch quickly stuffs it in a drawer, out of sight and mind, and retires for the night with a long sigh. Pitch was ready to go back to Earth and planned to protect Jack from afar to make up for all his wrongs doings with right ones. However, he failed to notice as he nodded off, a certain someone entering his room. That someone was his brother who just wanted his family back and sent the friendly wind flying away to give his letter to Jack.

   Early the next morning, Jack wakes up to the wind gently blowing in his face before flying off and leaving a letter behind on his lap. On the outside is his name written in fancy lettering and he opens it. He somehow knew what his name looked like and could read it but Jack had never had a need to read before. He didn't know how to and if he had, it had long been forgotten over time.

Not wanting to feel stupid but also wanting to know what it said, Jack wrestled with himself until he heard a knock on his door. "Jack?" He heard Tooth whisper as she quietly opened his door, "Are you up yet Sweet tooth?" He gave her a small smile knowing she loved looking at his teeth and nodded his head. "Hey Tooth," he whispered as he held up his letter, "do you know how to read?"

Tooth gave him a sad smile and quick hug. "I can do you one better, how about I teach you to read!" Jack just shook his head in agreement and gave her small hand a squeeze in thanks. He was excited to learn something new but what he didn't know was that what he was about to learn would turn his world upside down! There was an obvious reason for why no one mentioned Pitch around Jack. The man traumatized him.

   Jack tried to be brave, but even with Pitch being locked away, the very though sent him into a wave of panic. He pitied the man as he understood what it was like to feel completely alone and empty but couldn't understand why he would want to hurt the one other person out there that was like him. Only Sandy knew this, as he had asked the man for dream sand, but Jack still occasionally had nightmares of Pitch returning again to steal him away! Staying in North's workshop helped but sometimes it wasn't enough to keep his fear at bay. So while Jack waited on Tooth, he pulled out his sketchbook that Bunny had gifted him, and begins in attempt to draw his fears away.

Edited October 22, 2022

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