⚠️Punishments - 5

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   Warning : this chapter mentions  torture, can skip to end for summary if wanted, warning placed at start

   One day Jack was extremely bored and Pitch had recently given him permission to wander around with his staff as he discovered how attached Jack was to it. Pitch could see how greatly Jack depended on his staff and just how much easier this would make controlling him in the future if necessary. For Jack, his staff was a part of him so loosing it made him feel like an amputee missing a body part that had always been there until it wasn't... taken by the enemy.

Jack had explored what he thought was all of Pitch's lair when he remembered outside. He had honestly forgotten the feeling of grass in between his toes and sound of snow crunching underneath one's feet. Oh how he missed being outside. Surely Pitch wouldn't mind if he just took a quick peak. What Pitch didn't know wouldn't hurt him. But what Jack did not know was that Pitch, or more so Pitch's nightmares, were ALWAYS watching...

   The sound of Jack's feet echoed on the empty tunnels as he made his way towards the surface with the nightmares still hiding in the shadows. One nightmare was already telling Pitch of where Jack was heading and he wasn't happy in the least! Pitch had made it very clear to Jack he wasn't to be seen by others or go outside no matter what.

   Jack had been hit a few times whenever Pitch was angry or he broke a rule, he could handle those mild punishments. But this incident had a much harsher punishment in stall. Pitch was going to let the boy know exactly why he was called the boogie man.

   Jack was about to fly toward the only entrance and exit of the lair for just a quick look when his staff was once again snatched from him. He knew he was in big trouble and was in no rush to turn around. Impatient, Pitch grabbed his shoulder and spun him to face him.
"Frosty... what is the most important rule I told you to never break?" Pitch growls while squeezing Jack's shoulder harshly. Jack's eyes widen and he winces in pain " N-not to g-go out-outsid-de m-ma-aster..." "And what! Did I catch you trying to do!?" Pitch drawled out, nearly spitting in fury. Tears develop in Jack's eyes as he hangs his head in fear "G-go out-tsid-de"

   Pitch suddenly slams Jack into the wall before forcing Jack back up with a hard wrapped around him neck. He smiles at Jack as tears fall freely and tries in vain to grasp air. Being immortal means it takes a lot to kill one but it doesn't make one invincible. Pitch waits until the last second before Jack would pass out from lack of air to slightly loosen his hold. "I warned you, you can't go outside. It's for your own good. After all, the only ones beside me that can see you only cause you harm." Pitch strokes Jack's jaw as he says this with his voice almost at a purr. "Now you must be punished so you can learn your lesson."

   And then Jack is engulfed by the now usual feeling of darkness. Only this time he is not greeted by chilliness but heat! As Pitch is the spirit of darkness and fear, he has the power to know everyone's worst fears including Jack's. Just as heat is winter's worst enemy and weakness it is also Jack's fear. A hot steam surrounded the pair as Pitch had used his shadows to travel to some hot springs he had found recently.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️  Torture starts here ⚠️

   Pitch slowly drug Jack towards the spring ignoring his plea filled apologies and begs for mercy. Conjuring up a faithful nightmare, he threw Jack in and had the nightmare hold him down. Nix, the nightmare, pulled the sobbing boy back up for a minute to catch his breath before dunking him in again. His screams were muffled underwater as the scolding hot water burned his skin and entered his lungs. Pitch continued the pattern of dunking and pulling Jack out for what felt like an eternity. In reality it only went on for an hour or two until Pitch was satisfied by the high he received from the fear. It was the strongest dose he had received yet and didn't want to lose his new frost like drug. Jack's body shook as he laid flailed across the ground uncontrollably sobbing and failing to catch his breath. His skin was scorched and painfully peeling with his throat nearly burned beyond recovery due to the water inhaled. One thing was for certain, Jack would never try to go outside again.

~~~⚠️Torture over⚠️~~~

Summary - Pitch drowned Jack countless times in a hot spring, burning his skin and throat developing an increased fear towards Pitch and fear to ever going outside again.

Edited October 13, 2022

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