Spirits don't get sick

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   Jack has been a guardian for several years now and loves sharing joy to all the children whenever possible! But there was many times he would overwork himself. The Guardians would always get mad at him for this but Jack knew it was because they care. Unfortunately, more times than most, it was his seasonal siblings that caught him and give him an earful over it. They also tell Mother Nature on him which always led to another talking to.

   Being the protective older siblings they were meant to be, they would use Jack's center against him and trick him into sleeping or taking a break. Cherry had gone as far as asking Sandy for extra sand and would just throw it at Jack to force him into sleep. They would claim to be feeling down and he would sit down with them to talk or ask to play a snowball fight to cool off due to warmer weather. But for Jack, spending time in warmer weather was dangerous.

   It is worst with his oldest brother, Vulcan, who was able to control heat, making them complete opposites. While hanging out each other wasn't bad, having snow or ice around heat for too long causes it to melt. Too much heat around Jack would weaken him and cause his snow to become slush, making him feel sluggish. Vulcan would always remain at the coolest temperature possible with Jack but trying to stay the opposite of his season's weather was extremely hard and draining.

Spirits aren't supposed to be able to become sick but being in heat too long forces Jack's body into working overtime to cool down, weakening him and giving him a spirit version of a fever. Jack's siblings knew this, but Jack was stubborn and didn't listen. He loved his siblings and was willing to risk feeling sluggish for a bit if it meant spending time with them. He would always insist he was fine and tell them the wind kept him cool so that they would exhaust themselves for his expense.

But one day he stayed with them for far too long. Jack could tell he was becoming sluggish and had begun to float, in attempt to use the air to cool off as usual. Having overworked himself already, it sapped up his left over energy and he collapsed on the warm forests floor where Blaze and he had been talking. Seeing as how Blaze had the ability to control fire and fire can become colder at certain temperatures, Blaze created a colder flame on his arms on flew to Bunnymund's warren. Terrified the fire would burn Jack, he kept his hands on the thicker parts of his hoodie and flew as fast as possible as the cold heat evaporated his tears away.

Upon reaching the edge of the Warren, Blaize sat Jack down in the edge of the river to cool off and went to find Bunny. Naturally, Bunny was furious with Jack for being so reckless and threw the egg he was paining at Blaze for not meeting with Jack at a colder spot. He wanted to do much worse but he had more important things to worry about. More specifically, a certain winter spirit he had just picked up that was shivering in his fuzzy arms.

Blaze left quickly to prevent Jack from becoming sicker and Bunny goes into a tunnel to a room he had created specifically for Jack that was cooler than his house on days Jack decided to spend with him. Bunny had originally made it for himself on hot summer days but it worked perfectly for Jack. He had remodeled it to have a nest of blankets big enough for the two of them, along with a small kitchen and living room to just hang out in. Bunny was quick to put Jack in the nest and travelled to the pole to bring back some snow. By Bunny's third trip back, Jack had cooled down to a safe temperature for him and slept all the way till the next morning.

He woke up to Bunnymund holding him in a protective manner and groggily remembered how he got here. "Bunny?" He said in a weak whisper. Only half awake, Bunny pulled him closer as to protect him, "What Jack?" Caring for a sick child like Jack had been exhausting and Bunny wasn't quite ready to believe Jack was healthy enough to get out of bed yet. Jack just continued to lay there and whispered out a small apology to Bunny as he continued to snuggle into his big brother's blue fur. They spent the rest of the day resting with Bunny occasionally getting to feed himself and Jack. Needless to say, Jack quickly recovered but wasn't quick to forget that even spirits can get sick.

Edited October 22, 2022

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