Isolation - 22

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This photo has nothing to do with the story, it just made me laugh. 🤣

   When Pitch was captured and stuck with Manny, he was furious! Was asking to be believed in and scaring people into it really so bad? Apparently it was, because he soon found himself locked up, alone and without his nightmares. He was in complete solitude and had nothing but his thoughts to entertain him. After a while, Pitch had no idea how long he had been there but he began to regret his choices. He had become addicted to the taste of fear and forgot why he had been created. Fear was and is important but it can become controlling. His job was to teach the different between respecting fear and letting it take over your mind. He had failed to not only teach that to the children, but to himself as well.

   Like every guardian, he wanted to be beloved in, but the overwhelming emotion of fear took away his sanity. He had gone insane wanting control instead of belief. He didn't want to teach fear he wanted to be the cause of it. He had found an immortal spirit like himself who was alone and only wanted kindness and instead hurt him! Pitch was even more broken than Jack. He had been alone longer and cast out. He had gone against his very reason for existence and tried to force the same thing upon the boy. Deep down he knew what he had been doing was wrong but told himself it was for the best. That he truly was protecting his little snowflake. Being one of the oldest guardians like Mother Nature and Manny, he should have cared for Jack and guarded him from danger not cause it.

   Manny knew Pitch was still good inside and for that very reason, he locked away Pitch's powers until he became strong enough again to control them. He had been watching over Pitch for many years hoping he would recover on his own and even created Sandy specifically to help him. But he underestimated fears hold over his heart and mind which is why he stepped in to help.

   Him, Pitch, and Mother Nature had been close. They were family just like the current Guardians and it was supposed to be their  job to watch over them and guide them. The anger he felt when he found out about what Pitch was doing to Jack had given him the power needed to stop him and give Pitch the lesson he so desperately needed. The only thing left was for Pitch and Jack to recover and be reunited. Jack was special and although Mother Nature looks after her seasonal spirits, she isn't always there when Jack needs her. That's where Pitch comes in.

Jack was the youngest spirit for a reason. The spirits jobs were important, especially with the Guardians, but they had forgotten their true purpose. They spent so much time performing their duties, that they forgot about why they were doing them. For example, Bunny and North, instead of working together to create as much hope and wonder for the children, they spent much of their time together segueing over whose Holiday was better! The Guardians and seasonal spirits were meant to be a family and Jack was the baby. He was the one meant to bring them all together.

Manny had not meant to leave Jack alone for so long or be hated by the others. It was simply that his creation left him exhausted. All the other spirits made by him or Mother Earth, were given a choice, Jack wasn't. Not having the person willingness to become something new, made the transformation much harder to where Manny didn't have the energy to introduce and explain Jack's purpose to everyone. Mother Nature had been the only one to notice Jack's creation and had taken him in as one of her many children, making Jack more powerful than most.

All the seasonal spirits had been created by mother nature and received some of her magic. With Jack getting hers and Manny's magic made his powers harder to control which is why he was given his staff to focus his magic through. Had Pitch been sane, he would have realized that he felt close to Jack as they shared a familial bond. Pitch is basically Jack's uncles as Manny and Mother Nature are his sister and brother. However, due to his age, it was supposed to be more of a grandparent figure. For now, all Manny could do was hope for Pitch to recover over time and regain the family he once had.

Edited October 22, 2022

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