⚠️Panic - 14

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   Warning : panic attack

   One of Jack's favorite things to do before Pitch got him was playing with the fairies. However without his staff he couldn't fly around. He didn't know where his staff was or if the Guardians even had it, but he wasn't going to let them know it was his weakness. They had treated his injuries and he was slowly healing but Pitch had left him alone when he was first captured as well.

   Although Jack couldn't fly at the time, Tooth had specifically told him to stay in bed so trying to flying would definitely get him punished. As he sat in bed and twiddled his bandaged thumbs, his favorite fairy, Baby Tooth, whizzed in. She let out a tiny squeal and her little hands cupped his face happy to see her frosty friend was back.

   Her and the other fairies had missed him greatly and she was sad to see him look so sad and hurt. It was unlike her Jack and she wanted to see his teeth playfully smiling again. Before Jack knew it, she whizzed out as quickly as she had entered leaving him sitting there quite confused. But he didn't have to wait too long as she returned with a few friends and they threw some snow in his face! Baby Tooth had brought her friends to start a mini snowball fight! "Hey! Baby Tooth that's unfair!" He laughed as they continued to come in and out to pelt him with snow ball after snowball.

   Tooth saw her fairies flying to and from Jack's room and smiled at the sight of their one sided fight. "Come on now girls, that's not very fair on Jack now is it?" They all giggled as they went back to work leaving Jack still covered in snow. He eyes her carefully not knowing how she will react. She smiles and sats with a giggle "Oh Jack! You're all covered in snow, are you not cold?" He shakes his head no. "I'm a winter spirit so I like the cold." His voice comes out stronger than before as it gets used to being used more often with less of a stutter than usual. Tooth looks thoughtful for a second before responding. "Would you like to go outside with all the snow?"

       ~~~Panic attack starts here~~~

   Upon hearing this, Jack's head shot up and his whole body begins to tremble. He violently shakes his head back and forth and pulls his legs up to his chest. He can't breathe! "No, no, no! Don't go outside! Can't go outside! Don't want punishment! Please no punishment!" He mumbles these words over and over and begins to rock himself to try and calm down. He still can't breathe! Everything around him had disappeared. It was only darkness. He was with Pitch again! He didn't want to go back to Pitch! It was cold, he didn't like being cold. Too dark. He can't see anything or breathe. -Ack! Cold, so cold! Jack tried in vain again to try and breathe. -Jack! Wait... what was that sound? Pitch doesn't sound like that. -Jack breathe!

   Jack wasn't surrounded by darkness anymore. He remembered! He was at the Pole with the Guardians! But why couldn't he breathe? Then his sight cleared and he saw Tooth in front of him, "Jack, you're ok! You're safe! Shhh, it's okay. I need you to breathe with me.... That's it, there we go."

~Panic attack over, y'all can read again~
Summary- Jack panicked about going outside and saw himself back with Pitch in a flashback being punished until Tooth claimed him back down.

  "Ok Jack, you wanna tell me why you freaked out? You're not in trouble, just tell me what's wrong." Tooth asked worriedly. "C-can't go out-t-tside. Get-t pun-nished-d. Out-tsid-de b-bad!" Jack stuttered out, still trembling and slightly rocking back and forth as Tooth hugged him. "Sweet tooth no one will punish you for going outside. You won't get in trouble for that, just let someone know if you are going out so we know where you are." Tooth tries to comfort. "B-but out-tside hur-rts! Peop-ple r-run through an-nd it-t h-hurts! D-don't wan-na g-get hurt-t." Jack manages to get out. "It doesn't hurt up here because everyone up here can see you. No one here can or will hurt you. Do you want to at least look outside and see what you think?" Tooth asks.

    Jack stays still in Tooth's embrace and ponders for a few minutes on what to do. After a long inner monologue, he looks at Tooth and gives her a small nod. Hopping off Jack's bed, Tooth picks up Jack with ease to keep him for worsening any injuries and flys him to a window. Once at the window, Jack reaches out trying to touch the sky and is confused when he hits the glass. Bunny, who was in the room when Tooth flew in, laughed as he saw Jack's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

   Bunny hopped up from his spot on the couch in the room and pads over to the pair. "Frostbite did you forget the window was there?" He teased before softly ruffling Jack's hair making sure he moved slowly in Jack's line of sight to prevent a flinch. Ignoring Bunny's teasing, Jack leans into his paw and pouts causing both Bunny and Tooth to chuckle. "See Jack, outside doesn't look so bad. You wanna try and go out there for a bit?" Bunny gives Tooth an odd look in confusion as she shakes her head keeping her focus on Jack. "Do you Sandy to go out there with you? Would that make you feel better?" She asks trying again to get an answer from their fragile little snowflake.

   "Can, can the fairies c-come?" Jack whispers as he looks longingly out the window. Tooth feels her heart swell up in happiness and has to physically stop herself from doing a happy dance. "Of course they can little one! You wait here with Bunny and I'll tell some of the to come over!" Tooth carefully hands Jack over to Bunny with a smile and flys away.

Edited October 13, 2022

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