Sweet Dreams - 12

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   When Jack first woke up he was confused. He was no longer cold and for the first time on a long time everything wasn't dark... 'oh no Pitch was gonna kill him!' Jack could feel his breath speed up as he panicked but suddenly he felt warmth... warmth? Why did he feel warm? 'Sandy!?'

   Jack knew he didn't have permission to talk but before he could stop himself the words slipped out! "Am I finally free? Is he gone Sandy? I don't want him to hurt me anymore! I don't want anymore punishments!" Tears filled his eyes as he realized his mistake and waited for his punishment but it never came. Warmth continued to fill his body as someone squeezed his hand. As he feel back asleep he prayed that it wasn't just another nightmare tricking him into feeling safe at last.

   Waking up in the same place as before, Jack decided to take a risk and let his guard down just a bit. He relaxed into the soft bed and rubbed his fingers in the warm bedsheets. Still not knowing where he was, his eyes danced around the room looking for clues when he saw he wasn't alone.

   A rather large, intimidating man and a giant... kangaroo? stared at him and slowly lifter their hands in the air. 'Did they plan on attacking him? Was this just another trick of Pitch's?' Before his thoughts could spiral out of control, a human sized fairy stared to comfort him and run her fingers in his hair. It felt strangely soothing and he practically melted at her touch. He didn't know why but he trusted her. Not completely, but she had done nothing to harm him yet so he wasn't going to stop her any time soon.

   Then he felt Sandy's warmth on him again! 'Oh how he had missed Sandy!' As Tooth whispered kind words of comfort in his ears he asked her one thing before sleep took him away again. "I'm free?" Her promise to protect him was the last thing he heard as he prepared himself to be ripped awake by Pitch and be back in that horribly cold cell he had been "rewarded for good behavior".

   But Pitch never came. He dreamt of Antarctica and all his penguin friends. They slid on their bellies together and he cuddled with the polar bear cubs. Sandy's warmth never left him and the nightmares never came. Maybe it was not a dream after all.

Edited October 13, 2022

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