Hunger - 19

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   That night Jack stayed with Bunny and they once again cuddled. Jack was happy to finally feel loved and accepted and Bunny became a proud big brother knowing Jack was now a part of his unique family of five. Jack slept better than he ever had before even though spirits don't necessarily have to to survive.

   Being a spirit created by the moon means many things. For one, you are no longer truly aging so you can survive without eating or sleeping. Nothing good or bad happens if they do eat or sleep as it just isn't necessary for survival. The man in the moon created this specifically for seasonal spirits so they can keep up with all the demands of their season/holiday. But going too long without food or sleep can have its after effects. Not sleeping can lead to exhaustion just like with humans except it takes months instead of hours to drain their energy. The same can be said about eating and Pitch didn't feed Jack at all and not eating doesn't make the spirits get any bigger.

   Jack didn't know this of course because no one ever took the time to tell him. Those few who did talk to him didn't realize he had never been told. But after two cuddle sessions and having seen Jack's injuries underneath his sweatshirt, it didn't take much for Bunny to figure out why he was so small. Bunny smiled down sadly at Jack's tiny body on his rubbing Jack's back and feeling all of his ribs underneath his paw. Carefully getting up, Bunny placed Jack back on the bed and scribbled him a note to let him know he was going to the tooth palace before hopping off.

   As soon as he landed on the other side of his tunnel, Bunny set off to find Tooth. It didn't take him too long either, she was flying right in the middle of her palace ordering her fairies around. "Hey Tooth, have you noticed how small frostbite is? You can see his ribs, do you think Pitch starved him?" "It could be possible... Jack did say he didn't want to be punished when I asked him if he wanted to go outside..." A tear slipped down Tooth's face before she took a shuttering breath and continued "Not feeding Jack could have been one of those punishments he mentioned." "Well Tooth, that just means we got to fatten the little snowflake back up! North can spare a few cookies and I know you both want to spoil him." Bunny said with a wink and back off to tell the others his plan.

   Going a few months with very little food for anyone was horrible on the stomach! As Bunny travelled through his tunnel to the Pole, he thought about how Phil hadn't seen Jack for over two years. They had no real idea as to how long Pitch had Jack for, but some of his injuries were much older than a few months. Worry for the little icicle grew in Bunnymund's stomach as he wondered how Jack got ahold of food before he was captured. For most of the spirits, they could grow or cook their own food easily and share with those that couldn't. Jack was isolated from the rest as many hated him for one reason or another meaning they more than likely would never let him get close enough to ask for food. He couldn't grow any either as most of the things he touched immediately frosts over.

    Bunny was so stuck in his head that he didn't even notice he had arrived at the Pile until North called out his name. "Bunny? 'Vat are you doing 'ere? 'Vhere is Jack?" "Actually mate, I came here to talk to you about Jack..." Worried about the boy he considered a son, North nodded to Bunny to continue. "Have you ever noticed how skinny he is? Or seen him eat at all since he's been rescued?" Bunny asked with his ears dropping in anxiousness. Horror grew on the Jolly man's face and he sat down in shock. He looked at Bunny sadly and shook his head no. "I was afraid you would say that mate, but me and toothy have a plan," and Bunny once again explained his plan to his fellow guardian before hopping off to do the same with Sandy.
Edited October 22, 2022

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