No longer alone - 28

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   As Jack thinks back to all that had happened since Pitch, he felt... happy! He now has two families who were both very loving and caring. Maybe a little too over protective but he could work with that. They accepted him and that's all he had ever wanted. He may not remember how he became Jack Frost but that was okay.

   Jack had a smile on his face as he reached the workshop and it only got bigger as he saw the Guardians and all the presents surrounding them. With his staff in hand, he flew in and tried to sit down next only to be pulled into a big hug in Bunny's lap. Everyone exchanged gifts and smiles all around. By the time the night was over, Jack had many news books to read, sugar free candies to eat, and art supplies to test out. Sandy and North had given him the books, the candy was obviously from Tooth, and the art from Bunny.

   With this as his first real Christmas, Jack had spent several hours in North's workshop making their gifts in ice and had the yetis help him make the real thing. Jack had sculpted each of his adopted family members out of ice first and carefully painted extreme detail to make them look like the real thing from wood. The Yetis had done all the wood carving for Jack, but didn't mind helping out as they no longer had to waste time kicking him out from his many attempts to break in. Underneath each sculpture was a short letter of appreciation labeled to either mama, papa, bun, or sandy.

   In those letters he told them all about his favorite memories with them, thanked them for rescuing him, and said that even though he still struggled and felt unloved from time to time, they had remained by his side. Everyone had tears in their eyes as they read Jack's childish handwriting and Tooth giggled at a few small misspellings. Jack received hugs from each of his family members when they came to the end of their letters.

   However, the best part of the night was when North went to into his office and walked back out with a big book Jack had never seen before. North carefully placed the book in Jack's lap and the title said Guardians. Jack looked up at North in shock to see if it meant what he though it did and North nodded. "I'm going to be a Guardian?" Jack whispered in shock. "Da! 'Vhat better person to help up protect children than immortal child who can always remind us of your center. You remind us to have fun and love to have fun kids! It's perfect, Man in moon said so!" North said proudly.

   Later that night, a new Guardian was added to the book and sworn in. The happy family celebrated and Jack knew in that moment, he would never be alone again!

Edited October 22, 2022

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