Bunny - 18

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   Jack could tell Bunny felt bad about yelling at him back in '68 and wanted to make up for it. After waking up from his forced sleep, Bunny took both of them to the Warren and proudly showed him around. Bunny laughed at Jack's surprise when the eggs moved and was quite pleased when Jack asked him to explain the painting process. What most didn't know about Jack was his love for art. But then again no one had really tried to get to know him so he had no one to tell. So when Bunny saw Jack's eyes light up at the sight of the eggs being painted, he jumped on it. "You wanna paint some eggs with me frostbite?" Jack just gave a small nod in response and they spent the next hour painting beside each other in a peaceful silence.

To say Bunny was shocked would be an understatement! The Jack Frost he had heard stories about was loud, arrogant, careless, and was never known to stay still for long. And yet Jack sat next to him not making a sound and completely focused on the egg he was masterfully painting.
(I did not paint these, it's a photo off of google)

 "Say Jack, where'd you learn to paint like that? It's amazing mate!" His response is so quiet, Bunny only caught it due to his enhanced hearing as a Pooka "I have to make all the snowflakes, no two alike

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"Say Jack, where'd you learn to paint like that? It's amazing mate!" His response is so quiet, Bunny only caught it due to his enhanced hearing as a Pooka "I have to make all the snowflakes, no two alike." Not knowing how to respond but impressed none the less, the pair drift into silence for a few more minutes before Bunny suggests they take a break before telling Jack to wait and hops off.

Where he comes back he has a sketch pad in his paws and hands it to Jack. "Here mate, you can draw in this whenever you want and feel free to tell me if you ever want to paint for eggs with me again." Bunny smiles as Jacks eyes widens and flashes Bunny a giant smile. After only a moment of hesitation, Jack takes it from Bunny and raps his tiny arms around Bunny's large and fuzzy waist as his head barely reaches the top of Bunny's chest. Though Bunny will deny this a thousand times over, the two of them stayed in this position for quite a few minutes and ended up just cuddling for a while. He had Jack pulled into his lap and practically held him like a baby but Jack didn't mind. He was extremely touch deprived and enjoyed every second of it. But like Bunny he would deny it ever happened if someone was to ask.

But soon that moment came to an end when a question was brought up. "Hey Jack... I never should have talked at you that day, but can you tell me what happened?" Bunny felt Jack tense up as soon as those words left his mouth and began to rub his back. He became confused however when Jack started to lift up his hoodie. "W-well... you kn-now h-how most-t of th-the sp-pirits did-didn't l-like me-e?" "Yeah..." "That-t d-day was n-no differen-nt" "What do you mean by that Jack? Why are you showing me those sca-"

It was in that moment that Bunny began to feel dread in the pit of his stomach and think back to all the different scars on Jack's body. "Not all of your scars are from Pitch... are they?" At this point Jack had many tears running down his face he could barely stutter out the word yes so he just shook his head. Bunny could feel his ears droop down to the back of his head in sadness and he just held Jack not wanting to let go. He held Jack for as long as he continued to cry out to let him release all the pain he had been through. The more Jack cried, the more Bunny hurt for him.

Once all cried out, Bunny took Jack's hands in his and put his hand on a scar that went across his arm. "You wanna know how I got this scar Jack? Before I became the Easter Bunny, I was a warrior. One of the best and that made some of the others jealous so they..." Bunny spent the rest of the afternoon showing Jack some of his scars and telling tale after tale of how he got them and that Jack shouldn't be ashamed of his scars. Instead they showed how strong he truly was and that he was a warrior who survived unlike so many others.

Edited October 13, 2022

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