Alphabet soup - 24

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⚠️ slight description of panic attack ⚠️

Tooth happily flew off telling Jack she would be back soon and to wait for her. A few trauma filled drawings later, Tooth flew in with a bowl of soup. "Tooth I know you want me to eat more but how is soup going to help me read?" Tooth just laughed at Jack's confused face and placed the bowl in his hands. "Look inside the bowl Jack, it's alphabet soup. Do you know or remember what the alphabet is yet?"

   Poor Jack had always found school boring in the past and only knew these letters were used to write with. The problem was he didn't remember having had anyone ever teach him to know how he knew them previously. So for the next few hours, Tooth let Jack play with his food (for once) to learn different words. Their best guess was that Jack struggled in school and had simply forgotten how to read over time. Eventually they ran out of letters because Jack kept eating them but he had fun and that was all that mattered. Feeling confident in Jack, Tooth picked up his mysterious letter.

   "Okay Jack, now I'm going to help you read this but you have to try each word on your own first." Jack was a quick learner and was able to read most of the words on his own. As for the few words he did stumble over, Tooth was right there to help. Unfortunately Jack was trying so hard to read the letter that he didn't realize who the sender was until he reached the end. Poor Tooth was in such shock over Pitch's confession, that it took her a minute before seeing Jack was in distress and help him!

⚠️ Panic attack - Jack was rocking himself back and forth and chanting in a panicked whisper, "He's not here, you're okay! You're safe! Just breathe!" Tooth's motherly instinct kicked in on sight and she wrapped her arms tightly arm his shivering figure. "Listen to my voice Jack, I need you to name three things you see." "Y-you, the let-ter, a-and my r-room" Tooth could tell Jack breathing was slowly calming back down and continued to hug him. "You're doing so good! Now I need you to list two things you smell." Jack took a shuddering breath and responded with soup and her smell of toothpaste bringing a smile to both their lips. Finally Tooth had him list one thing he could hear and he tiredly whispered her heartbeat before falling asleep in her arms. ⚠️

Basically Jack panicked and Tooth calmed him down and he fell asleep in her arms.

Edited October 22, 2022

P.S. - Here is Pitch's letter in case you forgot what it said

Dear Jack,
I know sorry will never cover everything I put you through but I truly regret it all. This will sound like an excuse and desperate attempt to once again manipulate you but I let myself lose control. While I have the power to control shadows and thrive on fear, it completely took over me. I became desperate for more and more of the taste of fear and used you for it. I tricked you and terrified you and for that I will never be able to forgive myself but I pray one day you can forgive me. Manny has helped me come to my senses and regain control over my powers and will let me back down to Earth eventually but you will never have to see me again. I don't deserve your forgiveness but you deserve the world. I hope you can soon have others see you and believe in you and be treated right.
My deepest apologies,
- Pitch

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