Still scared - 17

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When Jack woke up, he couldn't be happier. Sure, he was stuck in a new place with people he didn't fully trust BUT! he got his staff back! He felt complete again. Pitch no longer had any control over him and he was safe, from Pitch anyway. During his 102 years of being a spirit, Pitch wasn't the only one who's attacks left him with scars. He had burn scars from Pitch's punishments but fire from summer spirits burn too. Times when he was flying and his seasonal siblings stole his staff from him left scars too, from falling and being scratched up by near by tree limbs or rocks. He was happy to be able to go outside again but he didn't trust the people who were out there.

Jack had truly missed Sandy but Bunny still scares him. Bunny never hurt him physically but he had seen him mad after the blizzard and never wanted to risk that anger again. Tooth was alright though. She may had ignored his existence up until now but she was treating him with kindness so he would give her the benefit of the doubt. North was just... North. He had never met anyone like him before and he was very loud yet gentle at the same time. He liked North but was still scared that North could accidentally hurt him. He was cool with all the fairies, elves, and yetis, they were all fun to play with. Maybe not all of the time with the yetis but they are naturally grumpy so it's not their fault.

At the moment Jack was pretending to sleep in the living room in Tooth's lap as she played with his hair. He was faking sleep because he was curious as to what they truly thought of him when he wasn't awake to hear them but Tooth was quickly actually putting him to sleep. Playing with his hair had become one of her favorite things to do and she had put him to sleep many, many, many times before this.

"According to Manny, Pitch had been a guardian back when him and mother nature were first created and he taught the children the balance between bravery and recklessness. But he wanted more power. He became addicted to the taste of fear and began to scare instead of teach. So Manny and Mother Nature came together and turned him into a tale of the boogie man and created us to defeat him." Sandy smiled at Jack as North finished telling Pitch's tale knowing that Jack was listening in. He wanted to help Jack and knew just how to do it. So he showed the others the truth.

  "What do you mean the little ankle biter is still scared of me!? I'm not that scary am I?" Bunny's ear fell behind his head as Sandy explained that he had scared Jack after the blizzard and how it was most likely an accident. "Wait, so you think that because Jack is still scared, we should have him spend time at the Warren with me? Wouldn't that make him more scared?" Sandy bonked his head at that comment and wagged his golden finger in Bunny's face. It was quite clear how overprotective he was of Jack in the moment. "Okay! Okay! I'll do it, I don't want him to be scared of me and you know it Sandy." Bunny quickly relents, not wanting to be bonked again.

With comment Jack decided to "wake up" and opened his tired eyes to see Tooth smiling down at him. "Hey sweet tooth, have a nice nap? Do you think you would be up to spending time with Bunny at the Warren?" Still nervous but happy to know Bunny doesn't hate him, Jack gives her a small nod. "How about tomorrow then Jack? That sound good?" Bunny asked, sounding almost as nervous as Jack felt. Jack just closed his eyes again, as Tooth was still playing with his hair and nodded.

Later that night Jack regretted agreeing as worried thoughts filled his head. Hundreds of what if's and situations bounced around as Jack bounced his knee in attempt to get rid of his nervous energy. A soft knock sounded on his door and Jack told them to "Come in." Sandy walked and shivered before giving Jack a look. It was only then that Jack realized that with his staff in hand, he had frozen his room and tiny statues of the situations surrounded him. "Sorry..." Jack mumbled sadly and Sandy just flew up and patted his head as to say it was okay. Sandy then winked and snapped his fingers as Jack felt his consciousness slip away.

Edited October 13, 2022

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