Searching - 8

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   Bunny felt awful! He had spent years hating the little frostbite especially after the blizzard. But when he thought back on it, the kid had seemed weak and almost as upset as he was about the incident as he had been. He didn't even give him a chance to explain himself and Sandy was most definitely not happy with him when he found out. Sandy was the only guardian out of them all who had truly talked to Jack and seemed very attached and protective of him.

   Since Manny had told them about Jack's situation all the guardians minus Sandy realized just how young Jack was and how other spirits had talked about him. Many blamed him for the death of many from the cold and hated Jack for it. But the kid wasn't a killer, he only did harmless tricks for attention. He was quite small and skinny and a kid at heart, mind, and body. His hair was always messy and he always found something to laugh about, but now he was god knows where, locked up, and all alone.

   Bunny searched and searched all over the world but the guardians hadn't seen Pitch in years! They had no clue where to look or even start. Not to mention Tooth and Sandy still had their duties they had to perform every night to keep the kid's faith in them going strong. Without the kids belief, they would cease to exist.

   North felt almost worse than Bunny about Jack because he liked to think of himself as a caregiver for all the children. After all, wasn't it Santa's job to know if you've been bad or good and know when they are sleeping. Yet here he was, with no clue as to where the immortal spirit of a child was and he didn't even question when Jack's record of being on top of the naughty list for so long just disappeared. He wasn't even aware that Jack had tried for years to break into or visit his workshop until Phil told him! His center was wonder and yet he had never wondered about Jack or tried to care for him.

   Tooth wasn't much better off than North. She had heard from her fairies for years about Jack's pearly whites and how he had befriended many of them but she believed all the other spirit's opinions instead. Her fairies loved Jack and his ability to bring joy to them with his snowflakes. They would find him flying around with the wind and he always seemed to know when they were tired or needed to be cheered up. He would always say he was "just a snowflake away" and fly off with a wink. Tooth had created her fairies with her own hands so why she believed others instead of her own, she would never know.

   Sandy was crushed. He loved Jack and considered him family just like he considered the guardians family. The boy had met him many years ago and had immediately tried to befriend him. He tried very hard to understand Sandy and gave Sandy many laughs as he tried to understand his symbols. He should have started looking for Jack earlier on. Sure Jack would go for years without seeing Sandy, Sandy traveled the globe every day giving kids dreams but that doesn't mean he never got a break. The first thing he planned to do after rescuing Jack is to give him his best dream yet!

   The kid loved Antarctica and the poles for playing with penguins and Sandy knew that. He should have looked there to confirm Jack was there instead of just assuming. He couldn't wait to find Jack and hug him and give him all the wonderful dreams he had cooked up for him while he was gone. Once Sandy found Jack, he didn't plan on leaving him any time soon. Although he didn't have his own place because he could create anything he needed out of sand, he planned on convincing North to build a room or house nearby for Jack to stay to make sure he stayed safe.

   He should have known something was up when the past two winters were more mild than usual. He wouldn't forgive himself until Jack forgave him. And he would find Jack. He didn't care that Pitch was getting stronger. HE WOULD FIND JACK! All he had to do was find Pitch, once Pitch is found, Jack has to be somewhere near.

Edited October 13, 2022

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