Peace at last - 25

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   Later that day Jack woke up, still in Tooth's arms. He was upset with himself for panicking having thought he had gotten more control over his fear, clearly he was wrong. Seeing as how the best way to conquer fear is to face it, Jack decided in that moment he would write Pitch a letter in response. He knew his fear over Pitch was completely understandable but he was sick of letting it control him. He didn't want to let that man effect his life any longer. Pitch was gone and could no longer hurt him for eating, speaking out of turn, or even for going outside. He was safe and needed to help himself learn to accept that fact!

   Tooth kept a close eye on Jack for the next few days as she helped him write his letter. He continued to be a quick learner and she was quite proud of his progress. She began to teach him a few other subjects as well when she had the time including history and science. But they soon discovered that math was not Jack's strong suit. But they persevered and North's library became his new favorite hangout. Jack learned he had a love for reading, almost as much as he loved drawing, and Tooth soon always looked in the Library for him first.

   Once Jack was satisfied with his handwriting and the way he worded his letter, he didn't know what to do with it. He had decided to forgive Pitch but needed much more time before he could ever face him again. He knew Pitch was still with Manny but didn't know for how much longer. But he wanted Pitch to have his letter before seeing him again. So, Jack went to the only person he could for help. He went to the moon.

   Manny knew the wind had delivered Pitch's letter to Jack and was quite happy to see Jack returning with a letter of his own. He listened as the small child nervously asked him to give Pitch his letter and one moment of moon light later, the letter was in his hands for Pitch. Jack gave him a quick smile and played in the snow for a bit to get his emotions back under control. After being separated from his staff constantly, he had learned more control without it and had learned that extreme emotions could cause damage. Once calmed down, he smiled at Manny again and walked back into the workshop.

   Jack felt at peace for the first time in a while and finally had the family he had wished for so many years ago. He still missed Mother Nature but he was happy and that's all he needed to survive. Unlike his seasonal siblings, the Guardians accepted him, quirks and all. They understood his struggle to control his powers and helped him as much as possible instead of shunning him like they had in the past. He was slowly growing to understand that they weren't just caring for him because Manny told them to and loved them for it.

  Despite not being a Guardian himself, Jack was a part of their family. He was the child Manny wanted him to be and retaught the Guardians their purpose in life. Jack was an immortal child making him the most important of all children they were meant to protect. They didn't have to hide from him and watch from a distance as he was one of them. He made them happier and they made him happier. They were at peace and the Guardian's only wish was that if only they had realized sooner, just how special Jack truly was and loved him for it earlier...

Edited October 22, 2022

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