Manipulation - 4

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Pitch had Jack trapped in his nightmares for three days and finally stopped it before he could get too high off the thrill of the power and do something idiotic. He watched Jack from his shadows and with his plan finalized, whisked Jack's trembling small body into a spare bedroom he had prepared. Like he had told Jack earlier, they were going to have some fun! One can easily control another with enough fear and the boy didn't even know what he looked like yet!

The room Jack was placed in was connected to his bedroom and there was only one way in or out. He may be able to control the boy but he wasn't going to make it easy in any way to escape. As Jack's fear had already greatly strengthened his nightmares, they were to patrol around in case he did manage to slip past Pitch. All the walls were dark and there was barely any light at all. The room was also underground to not only make escape harder but to keep the little frostbite freezing cold. The bed cot was small and lumpy with only one very thin blanket on it. It wasn't much of an upgrade compared to Jack's cell but Pitch wasn't exactly known for being nice.

Pitch waited patently for his new found, fragile, little frost to wake up and lay down a few ground rules. As he began to stir and blink the terrible sleep away, Pitch cleared his throat. "Good morning icicle~ I hope you slept well" He said with a wicked smirk. "I have a few rules for you and if you follow them, no more nightmares. BUT, break them and you won't wake up anytime soon."

   Pitch's cruel grin grew as Jack's eyes filled with increasing terror and mutely shook his head so rapidly one would think his neck would snap. "Use your words Frost!" He snarled causing Jack to flinch hard into the wall behind him. Jack quickly pushed down a whimper of fear and choked out, "Ye-yes s-sir!" As the scent of fear continued to fill up the small room Pitch teased the tiny child before getting down to business. "Good boy~ You learn fast that's good for your sake." He paused for dramatic effect as Jack gulped and slightly nodded his head again looking down.

   "Rule 1! You will refer to me as sir or master at all times, if you are good... I may let you know what my real name is." He again paused for dramatic effect and to soak up Jack's fear.

   "Rule 2, do NOT speak unless spoken to, if you have a question or get lost ask a nightmare.  When I do speak to you I expect a verbal response, am I understood!?" Pitch glares down at Jack as he begins to nod before whispering a quick yes sir.

   "Rule 3 is that I never ask for anything twice so NEVER force me to repeat myself." Pitch snarled this rule out as he never had been one for patience.

   "Rule 4 is important. Try to escape and a nightmare may not be the only punishment I give you." Pitch said this one in a low dark tone with extreme warning in his voice as he glared daggers at the boy.

   "Rule 5 is that you do NOT go outside ever! If you are good, you will be rewarded. I may return your precious staff for a short period of time, take off your chains, let you explore, etc. Am I understood my little snowflake~?" Pitch whispered dangerously as he pulls on Jack's chin forcing him to look him in the eye. "Yes m-mast-ter" Jack stuttered out.

To say Pitch was quite pleased with himself and this response would be an understatement of the century. He loved how easy it was to tame the rebellious and troublesome spirit and decided to take it easy on the kid for the night.  "Since you've been good so far, you can stay in bed for the day without your chains but the door will stay locked." Not waiting for a response he flew out of the room and slammed Jack's door shut with a bang that painfully sounded in Jack's ears.

Over time Pitch grew to almost tolerate little frosty and wasn't as harsh as he had planned due to the fear he already received without having to do so much as snarl. He never went easy on him but never needed to really punish him too much as he was way too scared for his own safety to risk the man's anger. Pitch blamed it on all the hate the kid received due to his frostiness but hey, he wasn't going to complain. It meant less work for him. He never had him doing too many chores either, due to the nightmares being able to do basically everything he needed already. Jack always remained quiet and followed the rules. Until one day he didn't...

Edited October 13, 2022

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