Outside - 7

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Pitch knew after the recent events, Jack would never try to so much as glance outside again. Jack was broken, perfect for molding into the loyal servant Pitch wanted him to be. Pitch began to develop a new plan to swoop in and explain to Jack in a caring way as to why he was so harsh about him going outside. He would take what Jack already knew and spin it in a way that Jack would fear the outside just as much as he feared Pitch's anger towards him for trying to go outside. Of course, in reality, going outside was perfectly safe but he couldn't have Jack knowing that.

With enough time, Pitch could convince Jack that only pain came from the outside which was true to a degree. Most of the spirits outside did hurt Jack one way or another but not to the extent Pitch told him they did. It helped that Pitch could constantly give Jack nightmares of the terrifying outside world to only see hurt. He even took some of Jack's real memories and only showed parts of them to make even the good seem bad. To say the least, it made an angry Pitch seem mild in comparison.

In a way, Pitch felt pity and regret towards the pain he caused Jack but it would help the boy in the end. Jack had been a young free spirit that held too much hope that someone would eventually come along and treat him with kindness. Pitch had no intention on showing Jack kindness, fear was kind to no one. However, with all the evil Jack was beginning to see and believe came from outside, Pitch seemed to be the only one to show him any sort of emotion that wasn't hatred.

As Pitch became less harsh and gave Jack more freedoms again, Jack's memories of the past slowly faded away. He began to lean more on Pitch and see him as a kind master who pitied him and only punished him to protect him. He couldn't see past the mask Pitch had so masterfully weaved and mistook Pitch's actions as discipline instead of abuse.

More and more time past and Jack no longer feared Pitch, only his anger. Jack still served Pitch and never received any kindness but no punishment was reward enough. He still slept in his cell/bedroom but at night he was allowed to sleep with his staff and play with wind on an occasion. He was content to serve his master and in a twisted way, manipulated into feeling almost happy.

But one feeling he could never shake was the loneliness. Jack never felt more alone when Pitch would stroke his cheek and tell him he did a good job on a chore or used him for a large dose of fear. He knew he was being used and hated that he was okay with it. Deep down he knew what Pitch was telling him wasn't completely true but he also wasn't sure if he wanted to be rescued. Someone for once saw him and didn't immediately hate him. He didn't want to lose that even if it meant also being attacked by nightmares and serving Pitch.

Meanwhile, a certain group of four had just discovered Jack's predicament and were rushing for ways to find him. The understood how Pitch worked and feared the worst for the young teen. Everyone knew of the trouble Jack got into but would wish his fate with Pitch on no one! Manny was only able to help so much as he could only see as far as his light could shine.

   So while the Guardians used ever means necessarily to find Jack, he travelled down one of Pitch's underground hallways. He had his staff in hand and created little frost drawings along the walls. He was fully aware of the nightmares watching him but didn't care. He knew he wasn't doing anything wrong for he had no reason to feel fear at the moment. "Jack~" Pitch's voice echoed through the nightmare behind him. Jack just turned around to face the dark sand and tilted his head knowing Pitch could see him. "It's time for some fun!"

   Jack involuntarily shivered, not wanting to go but too scared to disagree. This was the one thing with Pitch he would always hate. He didn't attempt to even move as the nightmare lunged at him and teleported him back to his little cell. Pitch stood in front of him with a satisfied smirk and whispered, "Let us begin!~" And then all Jack saw was dark and the newest nightmare began.

Edited October 13, 2022

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