Chapter 30: The Bomb

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      Kibum felt weak, his knees were trembling, his heart beating a little too fast, "Yesung is - my cousin?" he asked, his voice soft, "And you're my ... my grandfather?" this couldn't be true. 

        The man nodded, "I am your grandfather." 

        Tao stared at him, as if to ask how they could be related. The man laughed at Tao, "You thought- you thought I was going to tell them something else, didn't you? Don't worry son, that secret can be kept between us two and Yifan, eh?" 

        "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Kris shouted, finally loosing control and punching the man's jaw. 

        The man, despite all the blood, sniggered, "Still as protective as always." 

        But Kibum barely saw all of this, his mind was in a whirl, he was Yesung's cousin? Cousins fighting over the same boy? And this man, who Kris and Tao made out to be cruel, was his grandfather? And Tao ... how could Tao be his uncle? 

        "Enough fighting!" Luhan's voice rose dangerously, "We need to go now, is the whole District here?" 

        "Yes, everyone is being held here after we tried to rebel." a woman in the crowd answered quickly. 

        "Good, now we need to be quick, are you guys all over the hospital?" Luhan asked. 

        "Yes. But we can send people out to get them." 

    "We'll send them," Luhan nodded at his friends, "WIth you too, in case we run into any peacekeepers." 

        The woman nodded, "Yes, um, let's see, Henry, you go with my sister Hyoyeon, there." Henry ran off with Hyoyeon, "Eunhyuk, with Jinki-- go!" 


        Eunhyuk ran out of the room with the man named Jinki, "Where are we going?" he asked. 

        "Up, 3rd floor!" Jinki answered, running so fast Eunhyuk had a hard time catching up, "Hey Jinki- wait up!" 

        "I would prefer it if you used my nickname." Jinki smiled, "Call me Onew. I am Lee Jinki, Onew." 

        "Alright then Onew!" Eunhyuk said, "Let's go!" 

        They ran up 2 flights of stairs, every person they passed, Onew, or Jinki, would call out to them, "First floor! First floor! Go go go!" and everyone would nod at him respectively and follow his orders. 

        "Are you, err, I don't know, some important figure in this District or something?" Eunhyuk asked awkwardly. 

        "Nope, but my mother gets a lot of respect here, they kinda look at her as their leader." Onew told him. 

        "Your mother?" 

        "Woman downstairs just now? Who was barking orders? Told you to come with me?" 

        "Ohhh, she's your mother?" Eunhyuk asked, "You don't look alike." 

        "Of course we don't! She's a girl and I'm a boy!" Onew said, as if he had been offended, "Well, our job here is done, everyone has gone downstairs, so we should get going too." 

        "Hold it." a voice from a doorway stopped them. 

        Instinctively Eunhyuk lifted his gun and turned around slowly to face whoever it was. Onew did the same, "Now may I ask, where are we going?" the peacekeeper asked, sounding highly amused. 

        Without thinking Eunhyuk pressed the trigger and the peacekeeper did the same, but Eunhyuk's bullet reached him first and the peacekeeper's bullet hit Eunhyuk's gun. The impact on the gun made Eunhyuk fall over, but luckily he remained unhurt, and the peacekeeper was dead. 

        "That noise will draw attention let's move!" Onew instructed and they ran back down to the first floor. They expected to see the people of District 12 already getting into the tunnel but instead it was quite different. That man - Tao's father, was blocking the entrance with an ugly smile playing on his lips, and in the doorway there were at least a hundred peacekeepers. 

        "Fuck." Onew swore. 

        They were standing behind the massive army of peacekeepers who still hadn't noticed them, "We can't shoot our way through that!" Eunhyuk whispered. This is it. He thought, Good bye Donghae, I'll never see you again. 

        "Up, now." Onew pushed him towards the staircase and they noiselessly made their way back onto the second floor. 

        "What do we do?" Eunhyuk asked, panic rising inside of him. 

        "Shh follow me." Onew shushed him, he walked forward a few steps then stopped, "Judging from where we are standing right now, do you think we are standing right above the peacekeepers heads?" 

        "Hmm?" Eunhyuk did not quite understand, "Maybe, yeah, I think so." 

      "Run down again to make sure." Eunhyuk did just that, and then he came back to report to Onew, "Yea, we're right above them." 

        "Great." Onew smiled, it was a sneaky smile, and Eunhyuk had the feeling that he was a nice boy but definitely should not be crossed. 

        "Wait here." Onew told him and quickly ran off to the third floor. Eunhyuk stayed where he was, when Onew came back down he was carrying - "A bomb?" Eunhyuk asked, he felt like he wanted to die right there.

        "Yup!" Onew smiled happily, "I love making these, don't worry, it's not a big bomb, we'll let it off right here, and it will make the ceiling of the first floor collapse on top of those peacekeepers heads!" Onew looked like he was a first grade student who had gotten a 10/10 on his spelling test. 

        "Are you crazy? We'll kill our friends too!" Eunhyuk hissed. 

        "Nope, just the peacekeepers," and with that Onew pushed a button on the bomb and put it on the floor, it began counting down, 60, 59, 58, 57... "Run! To the staircase! It won't explode there!" Onew said. He's crazy. Eunhyuk thought but had no choice but to follow him, "Here!" Onew bent down to hide behind the banister and Eunhyuk did the same, wondering how many seconds were left until the bomb went off. 

        30..29..28..27..26..25..24.. I'm gonna die. Eunhyuk wanted to scream. 

        17...16...15... I'll never see my friends again. 

        10...9.... Everyone here will die.... 5...4....3...2... 




Yay Onew! *cheers* my favorite character is here! 

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