Chapter 33: The First Kiss

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        "LAY!!!" Lay heard the boy's yells as they burst into his office, "What is it now?" he muttered. 

        "How come we don't get to go get them at District 12? Huh Lay? Huhhhh?" Donghae put his hands on his hips. 

        "Donghae please." Lay sighed, "I needed to send people to help them as soon as possible, I could not waste time looking for you." 

        "Is Kyuhyun okay?" Ryeowook asked anxiously, "I want to see him!" 

        "Calm down, calm down! You'll see them before night comes that is certain! So just calm down!" 

        "I wanna go!" Ryeowook pouted, making those adorable, big, brown puppy eyes at Lay. 

        It didn't work. 

        "Yeah that doesn't work on me." Lay said, he knew that he looked bored, but perhaps that was the best way to make Ryeowook stop. 

        When the cute act didn't work Ryeowook tried a new tactic, he stomped his foot, "I want my Kyuhyunnie now!" he shouted. 

        "You're still acting cute." Lay said in a lazy voice. 

        "Are you ... high?" Kangin asked uncertainly. 

        "Why do people keep asking me that." Lay muttered, "I'm not high!" 

        "Well you look high, you act high, so I thought you're high!" 

        "Is it my fault?" Lay, "Shoo kids, out of my office, I gotta work." 

        Defeated, the three boys (Heechul was still recovering in the Hospital) walked out of the room, their heads bent silently. 

        Good, now I can work. But then Lay felt a sharp pain in his stomach and he groaned, Okay, maybe I really do need to rest. He thought grudgingly. He really wished he had a friend. Of course, he still had Sehun, Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, but they were all Doctors now and they had many patients to attend to (*cough*Heechul*cough*), so they were not an option. As for his other, rowdier... friends, Xiumin the pilot, and the soldiers Kris, Chen, Tao, and Luhan, they were not here. In the Capitol, during his gamemaking days, he had also made a friend, Kai. But Kai was extremely loyal to the Capitol and would never have joined him. What a shock it must be for him now, to find out that I am the President of this rebellion. Lay thought. 

        Thinking back, the head gamemaker, Kyungsoo or D.O., always acted suspicious of him, but then again, he always acted suspicious of everyone, so who knows? 

        Lay rested his head on his desk, thinking about how he had met up with these 9 friends of his, they had all met up because of the rebellion, except for Kris and Tao, who had already been like brothers since they came here. Truthfully, Lay was very worried that Tao and Kris would start dating, even though he knew it was just brotherly love between them, he was still scared. It would make things awkward, they wouldn't want to spend time with him, and why not admit it? He liked Kris. Slowly, Lay began to drift off to sleep...


        "Lay?" An awkward voice that Lay recognized as Donghae's woke him up 3 hours later. 

        "Again? What?" Lay asked grumpily, he did not like it when people woke him up, he loved sleeping, who doesn't? 

        "They're back." 

        Just these two words made Lay scramble up from his desk. 

        "Hospital." Donghae told him before dashing out of the room to the place he had just said, Lay went right after him, trying to keep up. Together they burst into the Hospital room, "Kris! Kris!" Lay called out, forgetting that he had to keep his feeling's a secret. 

        And there was Kris, standing in the middle of the room with a cast on his leg, talking to Sehun, he looked over at Lay, "Kris!" Lay shouted, forgetting himself, he jumped right into Kris's arms, causing Kris to nearly topple over, but luckily Sehun caught him. 

        And without a thought Lay kissed Kris. 

        Everything around them went quiet as everyone watched the two men kiss. Finally, out of breath, Lay pulled away, looking at Kris's face hopefully. And then he realized what he had done, he tried to back away, muttering apologies, but Kris caught his waist, "Aww, I missed you too Yixing," he chuckled before pulling the shorter man in for another kiss. 


        Ryeowook jumped into Kyuhyun's hospital bed, Kyuhyun was not majorly hurt, but he still had to be bandaged here and there, "Aww, aren't they cute?" Ryeowook cooed at Kris and Lay, "I should've known Lay was missing someone, that's why he was so grumpy!" 

        "But Kris got a new girlfriend back in 12!" Kyuhyun said, "She was a Doctor!" 

        "What?" Ryeowook asked. 

        "Don't worry, Shindong was just making it up." Kyuhyun grinned, "Do you think Lay and Kris will be happier now?" 

        "Definitely!" Ryeowook bounced around happily. 

        "Oh come here, you." Kyuhyun said, holding Ryeowook still and pushing him down to he was lying down instead of sitting up, he got on top of Ryeowook and straddled him, Ryeowook moaned, "Clothes- off-" 

        "Stop!" a stern voice said, and the two turned around to see Lay, still in Kris's arms, "This is a hospital!" 

        "Guess he's still grumpy." Kyuhyun said grouchily as he watched Kris kiss Lay's forehead fondly. 

        "Aigoo how cute!" Ryeowook squealed. 

        "I want to go back to our room." Kyuhyun muttered. 

        "No sex until your bandages are off." Ryeowook said, imitating Lay. 

        "Are you ... imitating Lay?" Kyuhyun asked doubtfully. 

        Ryeowook giggled, "Maybe! But I'm serious, no sex until all your bandages are off!" 

        "Speaking of relationships..." Lay said, walking over to Ryeowook, "Care to tell everybody what you did?" 

        "No." Ryeowook pouted, grabbing Kyuhyun's shirt and hiding his face in it. 

        "What did he do?" Eunhyuk asked. 

        Donghae, Kangin, and Heechul, who was now permitted to walk around the room even though he was still required to stay in the hospital, burst out laughing and high-fived each other. 

        "What is it?" Leeteuk prompted. 

        "He broke Wendy's arm." Lay told them. 

        "WHAT?" They all shouted, Kyuhyun the loudest. 

        "I see we have a lot to catch up on." Kyuhyun said to Ryeowook with a sly and proud smile on his face. 



Krislay is real guys it had to happen 

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