Chapter 8: The Girl From Home

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        Sometime early in the morning, they heard a canon fire, "Wonder who that was." Heechul said. 

        "We'll find out tonight." Hangeng shrugged in reply, secretly, he was much more worried than he let on, what if it was someone he was especially close to? 

        His leg was still swollen and he could barely walk, but he still had not died, Kangin said, "We've been laying low for a while." 

        "We just killed Yesung." Leeteuk reminded him. 

        "But still." 

        "I don't want to wait until tonight to find out who that was." Heechul complained.

        "Stop complaining." Hangeng ordered with a sigh. 


        "I said stop." he was sick and tired, though they had all the food and supplied from the cornucopia, he did not feel proud, he felt bored, bored out of his mind. 



        "Henry? Hae? I hear something-" Eunhyuk said and they all stopped gathering berries to listen. 

        "Do you think this is a good place to hunt?" they could hear Sungmin's voice asking. 

        "Yea I see loads of animals already." they could hear Kibum's voice reply. 

        "Yea, good for hunting alright." Eunhyuk muttered as he picked up his spear, "Just come a bit closer-" 

        The two boy came into view, Sungmin pointed, "Look- there are some squirrels-" his voice was cut off as Eunhyuk's spear found its mark. 


        "SUNGMIN! MINNIE! WHAT THE FUCK-! WHO DID THAT? WHERE DID THAT SPEAR COME FROM MINNIE WHERE? TELL ME?" Kibum screamed, kneeling beside his friend, "WHERE?" he lifted his sword, ready to fight. He felt so scared, he did not want to die, he did not want it to hurt. 

        "There-" Sungmin pointed, "Bummie-" Kibum got up, "Bummie!" Sungmin tugged at his hand, "Don't fight them, take- take care of me-" 

        "I will Minnie I will." Kibum muttered, he bent down to pick Sungmin up and walked away. Shoot me now if you want to, whoever you are. He thought. So I can die with my friend. 

        But nothing happened. 

        I'll come back for you. 



        He did not follow them, and Eunhyuk did not use any other weapons on them, instead, they just watched them go. Eunhyuk let out a sigh of relief, and Henry asked, "Why didn't you kill them?" 

        "I couldn't." Eunhyuk's voice shook, "I couldn't. I can't believe- I hurt Minnie-" 

        Donghae wrapped his arms around Eunhyuk and stroked his hair, "Shh." he said soothingly. 

        "We need to go. Kibum will come back for us." Henry said.         

        "Henry's right, Hyuk, lets go." Donghae murmured.

        So they quickly found a new place and moved camps. 



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