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"Good morning Sir!" Harry exclaimed as Mr.Tomlinson opened the door.

The estate owner sighed.

"No I won't let Eric marry you."

"Oh no sir, I don't wish to marry Eric, but I do wish to marry your elder son Louis." Harry said, his dimples poking out.

The father's head snapped up.

"You what?" He asked in disbelief.

"I'd like to marry your son, Louis Tomlinson, that is if you give me the permission to."

"Sure thing! C'mon in!" The father said, because well this might be the only person who'd willingly marry his son.

Harry stepped in the house and looked around.

'Fancy' he thought.

"Louis! Someone is here to see you!"

"Tell them to go away !" Harry heard someone scream.

Harry grinned at that, so that was how his Louis sounded.

"Is everything alright father?" Harry snapped his head towards the boy, who now entered the room.

"Yes, Eric." His father sighed.

Harry watched the boy, no doubt he was beautiful. But he knew his Louis was more beautiful.

"I'm sorry son, I'll go get him."

"No no it's alright. May I?" Harry asked.

The father looked unsure but allowed him anyway.

Harry walked into the lads room and saw him laying there, his bum sticking out in the air. Harry eyed the boy, his petite waist, his full thighs, his tiny ankles and toes. Harry was sure he could fit in his pocket.

Harry smiled at the sight, this wouldn't be too bad to live with for the rest of his life.

"Louis?" Harry said, softly.

Louis turned towards him and frowned.

"Who are you?" He asked, getting up.

"I'm Harry Styles, but you could call me whatever you want." Harry said, smiling.

Louis was confused, who was this guy? Louis didn't know him. Louis didn't want him here. Why was he being nice? Was his father trying to get Louis murdered?

"Well get out of my room!" Louis said, his voice raising.

"Thank you for asking me to stay, Louis." Harry said, ever so calmly.

Louis frowned, did this guy have a hearing problem? He was getting on Louis' nerves.

"I said get out of my room!" Louis shouted on the top of his lungs.

Harry moved closer to him and Louis backed away. He was clearly annoyed with the tall lad in front of him and if he didn't back off Louis wouldn't be responsible for any injuries.

"What are you doing didn't I tell you to leave?" Louis said, annoyed.

"Oh but you didn't." Harry said, as Louis backed the wall.

Louis's heartbeat picked up now, the boy was too close. His breath came out short as green eyes pierced through him. What was this guy doing? Why was Louis's chest tightening?

"Get away from me!" Louis said, his voice quivering.

"I don't mind getting closer to you." Harry said, as his lips attached themselves to Louis's neck.

Louis forgot what was it like to speak. His legs went wobbly and he didn't know what the boy was doing, but he was surely enjoying it.

"I-I." Louis couldn't complete as Harry started sucking his sweet spot.

Louis's eyes shut tight and Louis liked the way Harry's plump lips worked on his  skin.

"What is it?" Harry asked as his hands, palmed Louis through his pants.

Now Louis's mind went hay wire. He didn't know what on earth was happening. His dick twitched in his pants and he didn't know why. He didn't like this guy. Then why was his body acting the way it was?

Louis moaned in response.

'Traitor' , Louis thought to himself, why wouldn't his body comply with his brain? This guy was a random stranger for God's sake, Louis should have been disgusted!

"That's what I thought." Harry said as he pulled back.

Louis looked at him, blinking his eyes. Why did he stop?

"Tell me the day of the wedding ." Harry said, walking out of the room.

All Louis could do was watch as he left.


Okayyyy so here it is! Hope y'all like it x

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